My gf has never had an orgasm and she doesn’t want one. Which is just as well.
LoL be happy she never had one otherwise she would want one and another… But then you are also missing out on something really great, there is nothing like a “thankful” gf.
Shows what you know, n00b. It has everything to do with training.
Well, I say she hasn’t had one - she hasn’t with me, but perhaps it takes more than two minutes. How would I know?
OP, you speak of this woman’s needs as if they matter.
Do you know what I think of women? I think they are clear, like a horrible toy with no color in the plastic. If they talk, it is the sound of glass breaking and birds burning in a shoebox.
In speaking in this way, of her needs, you, the OP, have become a woman.
You must not post any more, or I will be forced to Take you, despite all.
+rep to the first bully who identifies the reference
Riddle me this, why is this thread still in YMAS and has not been trollshidoed or moved to LLL?
Foreplay? What a waste of time.
Just give her the money and get down to business.
Judging by the noises coming from the bathroom most mornings, my gf gets enough enjoyment from simply using that new electric toothbrush she sent off for. She always emerges with a big smile on her face. (Mind you, her teeth don’t seem any cleaner).
so I asked my mom about this and my dad beat me up
you sux
And this with all the styles in your style field? You suck and deserve every second of that beating and more.
No, that’s Lesbos. Apparently it’s quite popular with fans of the poet Sappho, who I’m led to believe knew a thing or two about clitoral orgasms.
pushups yam
Is that what she is telling you?
Ok, so first off, no. It is not true. Secondly, your methods weren’t empirical. Quit frontin’.
Here is a synopsis of female orgasm.
The Clitoris:
All female orgasms originate in the clitoris (even orgasms generated from erogenous thought, and yes that is possible). The clitoris as it is commonly conceived of is a small nodule of tissue at the upper union of the labia. It is covered by a flap of skin similar to the male forskin referred to as the clitoral hood. The clitoris as it is commonly conceived is actually just the tip of a wish-bone shaped structure that extends around the vaginal tube.
The G-Spot:
The G-spot refers to an area of tissue about a third of the way up the roof of vaginal tube which closely abuts a secretory gland. It can be identified by its ridged, bumpy texture as well as by the distinct sensations contact with this patch of skin causes (because the vaginal tube isn’t especially sensitive compared to surrounding tissue it is easy to identify the distinction in sensation). Prolonged stimulation of this area results in the engorgement of the afore mentioned gland. Many women find this pleasurable (pro-tip: applying pressure to the external area over the g-spot, just above the pubic hair line, heightens this sensation). The fluid with which this gland becomes engorged is also the fluid which is ejaculated during female ejaculation, and is a mixture of urine and a fluid not dissimilar to male ejaculate (less the sperm).
Vaginal Orgasms:
Women (and men, for that matter) have two kinds of orgasms. Vaginal orgasm can be achieved through one of two ways.
[INDENT]1. Stimulation of the clitoral “legs” via pressure on the sides of the vaginal tubes can result in orgasm.
- Stimulation of an engorged g-spot often results in intense sensations similar to if not the same as an orgasm (although some find the sensation to be less or more intense, and still others describe it as wholly distinct).
[/INDENT]Depending on the individual, clitoral orgasm can be followed by a period of hypersensitivity during which the lightest touch is stimulating to the point of being painful. Other women are able to orgasm multiple times via continued stimulation (this is known as multiple orgasm as opposed to consecutive orgasm). Women for whom perpetual stimulation is too intense often find that after a short break (upwards of two minutes) from stimulation they can continue. In either case, most women find direct stimulation to be too intense initially, so start with slow, light, and indirect pressure while working up to direct clitoral stimulation.
G-spot orgasm, on the other hand, is something that can be achived over and over again unless the g-spot becomes sore. Many women find stimulation to the g-spot to be too intense unless highly aroused (pro-tip: prevent a sore g-spot by proceeding g-spot play with a clitoral orgasm).
Dude! if you new how one worked, You wouldnt have to spend so much time researching.
and thank you to our very own bill nye the science guy
That cant throw the leg!
But Darling…You surly must be feeling something! It say’s I’m doing it right right here in the book.
SOmeguy and whitenerdy put down the books and shut off the computer and BEAT THOSE GUTS!