Well, what do you want to do?
Do you want to be a famous businessman? Scientist? Comedian? Actor?
Do you want to be wealthy? Do you want to see the world?
Do you want to treat people differently in day to day life (treat say, your family better or tell someone you can’t stand that they are full of shit etc)?
Do you want to explore the possibilities? Unearth your potential?
Personally I have a real fear of turning out mediocre, but I am well on my way there lol. I learnt to laugh about it however, when I was watching an episode of Conan O’Brian - he said that
“People always stop me in the street and say ‘Conan, I’m going to be on your show one day!’ - I always say “Great! What for?” - and they say back ‘I don’t know. But I’m going to be on your show one day.’ Its really sad people don’t want to be anything anymore, they just want to be famous, and they’ll do anything for it…”
My thinking now is along the lines of
Find something you
- Love
- Its also difficult (a love hate relationship)
- Something you could pursue for a lifetime
- Become an elite at what you do
I really like science (in general), but I realize that I’m probably not the next einstein. What I do identify with and enjoy however, is studying not the cutting edge of science, but studying its roots, getting close to the heart of it. The processes, the logic, the brilliant creativity in each step. I went back to uni to start an engineering degree. I think if I really applied myself I would be a good science communicator. And in the process of doing all of this (reading, becoming more passionate, returning to uni) its expanding my mind, making my old weaknesses strengths etc.
Alternatively, I dream of being a mixed martial arts star (LOL!). If I dropped everything to single mindedly pursue it, of course I could achieve it. But my life is filled with things which would match my first description (a science writer) much more than anything else.
Break the mold a bit.
Pay off your debt (if you have any).
Start exercising.
Date someone new.
Eat properly.
Don’t use the internet as much.
Write down your ideas in a book. Evaluate them. See where it goes. I’ve got ideas from a grand unification theory to a board game for children lol.