Wheelchair Ninjas?

Beating the odds

Sherry Keller on Thursday, July 10

David Lima doesn’t let muscular dystrophy keep him down

David Lima of Lehi was awarded the rank of black belt in the Japanese martial art of Ninjutsu on Saturday, May 24, following a grueling test of self-defense and skill against Bill Atkins, the visiting Shihan from California. A 23-year-old junior majoring in Japanese and political science at BYU, he is now among a select number of people who’ve accomplished this difficult feat, but his achievement is particularly remarkable. David is profoundly handicapped from a form of muscular dystrophy called spinal muscular atrophy and has always required a wheelchair. His complete muscular system has been atrophied by the disease – even his lungs have been weakened. “The disease really limits his muscles,” said his mother, Eileen Lima. Some would argue it’s amazing David has lived so long. The majority of children born with SMA die by the age of 2, usually from pneumonia which cripples their already frail lungs.

But David has never let himself be confined by his physical limitations. “Never say never to David,” said Eileen. “He never lets anybody say to no him, to the point that I don’t say ‘you’ll never be able to do that.’ When he sets his heart on something, he will find a way.”

When he expressed an interest in Ninjutsu, his mother called Brett Boyack of Jasukai Martial Arts in Orem and enrolled David in his program. Boyack welcomed David from the beginning. “I thought it would be a challenge,” Boyack said. David has become his best student. “David’s awesome,” Boyack said. “He’s got a great a great attitude and always puts forth 100 percent effort.” “He was always a real happy kid,” said Eileen. “He’s always been happy with his life.” When asked how he remained so positive despite his condition, Lima shrugged and said, “I never have anything to feel bad about.” He has trained with some of the most senior instructors of Ninjutsu in the state and is very knowledgeable. He’s done much of his own research and training to adapt Ninjutsu to his wheelchair. He uses angles, timing, and distances to move his body and wheelchair in various methods to protect himself. He’s also learned how to use several heavy weapons – an extensive collection of which he owns. Ninjutsu has helped to strengthen David’s arms, torso, lungs, and heart.

He has even developed some muscle tissue on his upper arms, which, said Eileen, is absolutely unheard of for someone with SMA. As his condition has improved, so has his prognosis. He’s lived much longer than doctors predicted and has moved from a severe level one diagnosis to a mild level three. David plans to continue his training in Ninjutsu. There are 14 more levels of black belt to attain, and he’s constantly working to improve his art. He spends several hours a week working out and practicing, and, as Atkins commented, “that kid’s getting really hard to hit.” David also has plans to start a Ninjutsu club at BYU and teach other students in wheelchairs this ancient martial art.

After college graduation he wants to work for the CIA as an analyst. When asked if he could defend himself if he were attacked, David nodded and, with a wry grin, said, “I think I could surprise someone.”


I know David Lima and Brett Boyack. I hesitate to reply to this but something needs to be said.

All you fascist posers are what is BS. Brett does not advertise so that’s why Ninjutsu is not on the Jasukai website. He simply rented the dojo. He does not teach there anymore and thank goodness because I wouldn’t want any of you losers showing up there and make trouble. You people need to get a life. The Martial Arts isn’t reserved only for “perfect gene” fascists like you. There are other people in wheelchairs taking martial art classes and frankly, I bet they are better than you.

I even know a blind martial artist that is one of the best in the country.

David Lima has a 1st degree blackbelt signed by Masaaki Hatsumi himself. He also has a PI license. What are you people doing with your worthless lives? You idiots continue to drink your koolaid unless you prefer weed.

[quote=Fatality Dragon]Next thing we will hear is Chris Reeves will recieve a bb in Ninjustu!

Hello Mr. Human Trash Man -

I can see what YOUR disability is just by what you type. A true martial artist respects one another and learns from one another. It also means pushing yourself to limits you never thought you could achieve. It looks like you have already gone down the tubes. I hope you never crawl out.

A martial artist who mocks another one has no right to call himself a martial artist, little alone a human being.

Seriously - I bet this guy could beat your ass if he had to.

[quote=Kuroneko]… says on the website http://www.jasukai.com that they teach a mix of Shotokan, JuJutsu, and Hworang Do… doesn’t say ninjutsu anywhere… well researched article I guess… NOT.

Actually, you are very wrong. Don’t judge something you know nothing about. I’m from the Provo, Utah area and had been there quite a few times just watching others practice.

Truth be told this is the first time I am seeing this thread.
You may note other threads I have created in this sub-forum that feature challenged or whatever politically correct terminology you prefer. I personally, as well as others, look towards these articles as a source of inspiration. I have been encouraged by multiple forum members to continue posting these articles because it is amazing to watch someone overcome great challenges.

Facism? Paging ICY.

Let’s note a few fun things:

-Fatality Dragon has posted that he is deaf, but can read lips for communication.
-The website that Kuroneko linked doesn’t even work anymore.
-Where did anyone claim disabled martial artists should not practice martial arts? Nowhere…
-You knowing a blind martial artists means nothing. I’ve volunteered at special Olympics events before, my guy even won the 100-metre.

It would be great you got off you high horse and realize a few things:
Kungfoolss, the original poster merely posted the article without comment. What his intent was I do not know.
Fatality Dragon, a disabled martial artist make a joke.
FingerorMoon? strongly admonished Kungfoolss for posting the article as likely his reasoning was not pure.
Kuroneko did a little research to look at the school`s website and noted that ninjitsu was not on the site. He then brought into question the journalistic integrity of the article writer.

These guys posted years ago. Based on this you can insult an entire web forum with over 40,000 members? How can you accuse us of ignorance while spewing your own? Illogical.

I see someone else has decided to bless us with their posts in the time I was researching and crafting my post. Let’s look at some research and reply.


Jasukai is a martial art in Utah that is taught by Jason Moore and Larry Bethers. The unique thing is that Jason Moore is blind and can see using KI. They combine 2 Japanese arts and 1 Korean art to make a system that is both hard and soft. It teaches you to use your KI and also teached the basics of strikes, joint locks, throws and falls. You don’t train for tournaments though, you are trained to be a warrior. You get to learn survival training (the Shugyo), Ki, Kiatus (energy and body massage), and weapons training.


The basis for most of my information can be found at www.jasukai.com/index.htm


He can see using his internal energy? How? Fascinating, this is the first time I have heard of this. If he can overcome his blindness using ki/chi/qi then I can surely enhance my vision with it. I legally need to wear glasses when driving. Since that domain name is expired, if there a new website or other online information source I can learn more about this?

Actually he’s deaf…
What is his disability you are seeing?

I noted that neither of you had placed any information about the martial arts systems you may have studied. By calling Fatality Dragon ‘Mr. Human Trash Man’ you are saying you yourself have no right to call yourself a martial artist, let alone a human being.

Great. So what are your thoughts on their class?
Educate me.

LOL, pwnd.

Thats kinda interesting that a guy in a wheelchair got a black belt in ninjitsu. one question remains for me though, if ninjas are supposed to sneak, how do you sneak in a wheelchair?

I have no doubt about his fighting ability though.

by putting extra oil in your wheelchair… duh!

As we have not seen a response, I have emailed KirkCO and shinobi890 to make sure they were aware that people had replied to them.

We should note here that shinobi890 registered under a Hotmail email address that would indicate that he was David Lima. What’s up with that?

I didn’t even need chi to see that.

What does that mean?

In an effort to making this thread usefull, It seems grappling is the way to go for those disabled. You have blind olympic judo players who are genuinly competitive. Depending on the physical disability I dont see why someone couldnt be competitive in bjj.

can someone, i dunno, move this?

Next thing we will hear is Chris Reeves will recieve a bb in Ninjustu!

It is a rat eat rat world.

“A magical place where I have a freakish large penis and I am also the king of the mushroom people.” - by Omen Stone

Fuck you for posting that and trying to make the kid a joke.

… says on the website http://www.jasukai.com that they teach a mix of Shotokan, JuJutsu, and Hworang Do… doesn’t say ninjutsu anywhere… well researched article I guess… NOT.


Edited by - kuroneko on July 11 2003 15:03:13