I have no movment in my legs, im paralized from mid way. i been reading on one of the other threads about the same thing, where they belive throwing yourself out the chair and going from ground is easyier, does anyone have information on this? i have no use of legs but strong upper body, Im used to not using the chair as i regulary walk on my hands out and about ( its good exersize)
Atm im searching up some where near me to practise, the only one so far i can find is the wing chung i used to go, so my search goes on ^^
thanks again finding it really helpful
*p.s. the info about henry small is really intresting thanks =) really look forward to looking deeper into it! but for now i have to redo a college assiment as my laptop decided to deleat it
I’m going to take a lot of heat from this, but I don’t care. Based on the kind of ridiculous upper-body strength guys like you develop (for example, I drank with an SCA guy who bends sheet steel into armor shapes with his bare hands, and he doesnt’ even work out except managing hills and ramps), I’d go immediately to someplace like Iron Mind and work out every type of grip strength you can possibly develop on top of what you already have, and learn Chin Na. It’s not much good unless you have literally crushing grip strength: but that’s your best asset as a wheelchair guy… use it!
Okay I’m confused. Are things that much more different in the UK. It sounds like you get attacked more than the average person, which would be quite different here in the US. Most people may ignore you for being wheelchair bound, not pick on you. Rather than trying to develop your fighting technique maybe some classes on crisis management and learning how diffuse situations before they turn violent.
Carrying nunchaku in your wheelcahir here in the US and then using them would prolly get you sued as it would be brought up in court that you were some kind of larping weirdo looking for a fight. I don’t know british laws but you will be much better served (if legal) by a tazer/stun gun than a sword/club type weapon. Also you aren’t allowed to physically abuse people just because they are teasing you. Most of us got teased in school, get over it. If you are being physically abused carry a camera, document, then sue. I can’t imagine any court that you won’t find a sympathetic jury that won’t ahnd you out a large settlement considering your conditions.
If you want to study martial arts to stay fit, any of them will help you stay active.
The simple fact is most of us that study martial arts will usually try to avoid a fight rather than get in one on the street. You seem eager to escalate a situation and adding a weapon to a fight escalates that and could legalize the use of deadly force against you. Again, I’m in no way famailiar with british laws. Best of luck, hope you get somethin to work for you.
hmmmmm… I’m not sure if BJJ would be the best choice. I mean, so many of the sweeps, holds, and submissions require strong hip movement and positioning of the legs. I suppose the moves could be adapted to any individual but it would take a very dedicated instructor.
Regardless of what you do, you are screwed. If there is more than one opponent you are going down. The likelyhood of more than one opponent sounds high by the sounds of the mutants that are in your area. The best by far approach would be to get mentally smarter and avoid confrontation. Its has helped many people, disabled or not, to go through life without much resistance.
I dont want to sound like an asshole, but your brain is the area you need to work on, your physical training would be a bonus.
The laws are very different here. If you’re caught with a tazer\stun gun, you’re fucked in court. You’re in trouble if you kosh someone with nunchuks too but it all depends how much trouble you’re willing to get into to defend yourself I suppose.