I was thinking and believe it or not Video Games is one of the key things that got me in to MA. And i was thinking who better to judge MA Video Games than MA them selfs.
So whats your Fav MA Video Game and Why?
Share something you liked about it, Fav character, move, story, time it came out, or boob size.
Ill start, MK rocks, and Street Fighter introduced me to Muay Thai, but in my eyes Tekken is the best MA fighting game (tekken5 dr) if i had to pick one.
Lots of different characters
Lots of different fighting styles
Fighting styles real enough to be reasonable and base it in reality …and extravagant enough to be interesting and fun.
Any one can pick up and start playing, but the game is in depth to take hours and hours to master.
Plus Tekken has a smooth ass game engine to boot.
I would say that I probably liked the Street Fighter series the best. That and Bloodsport gave me my first taste of Muay Thai. Not to mention (as some of you may already know), that my username comes from the name of a Street Fighter character.
Also kinda liked the Fatal Fury/King Of Fighters series, and Tekken and Virtua Fighter as well.
As much as I love Double Dragon for the Amiga 500 (beating the shit out of my twin whilst not beating the shit out of my twin) I would have to say that Pub Fight for the UK mobiles looks interesting conceptually, but is unfortunately not available here AFAIK.
grumble* small market grumble 20 million people grumble grumble size of the continental US snort grumble
Well if we are talking MA then Mortal Kombat deception and alliance win hands down. Pretty much every style is represented and looks really accurate, at least in the moves and what not, I’m not suggested that you can keep someone air bourne by repeatedly front snap kicking them.
World Heroes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Heroes I used to prove German superiority with the cyborg fighter Brocken at the console at the local gas station all the time. Basically imagine M. Bison wearing a SS officer uniform, with Dhalsim’s stretching punches and kicks, Blanka’s electric eel shock (which you can also do at range with the stretching,) and fireball missles. The game had a Bruce Lee clone, dueling ninja Ken and Ryu clones, Joan of Arc who was a Charlotte from Samurai Showdon clone, a Hulk Hogan clone, and even MOTHAFUCKIN’ Rasputin, bitches. The sequel had a pirate and a NFL player with a dragon punch.
Heh, just kidding.
Battle Arena Toshinden 3 was fun as hell. You fought in a 3d environ with swordsman taking on guys with chainsaws. The TMA characters had mystical chi fireballs, and to keep it fair, the modern characters had GUNS and GRENADES. You could uppercut mofos into the ceiling of the level. The main baddie gunfighter, Vermillion, had a combo where he would blind you with a handful of gunpowder, hold you still with a taser shock, then shoot you with a sawed off double barrel shotgun.
Remember that lame MK clone Killer Instinct? My memory is fuzzy, but I think you could get like 100 hit combos in it.
What was the name of the fighting game where every fighting style was based on a real martial art? (They still got Ninjutsu wrong.) It had the usual time travel storyline with characters from throughout time. Eternal champions, that was it.
Heh, I remember I used to be able to beat EVERYONE at the JLA fighting game with Green Arrow’s flying kick. Even if they took Darkseid or Superman and stood back with eye lasers I could still get in.
I guess I’d have to say my all time fave was Shaq fu. No, I’m kidding again, I never actually got to play that one.
Those games are like kids, I could never pick just one.
Awesome, I was going to mention Karate Champ, especially the ol’ skool arcade version with two joysticks per player. The selections of moves was great, and it actually looks a bit like karate kumite. And the bonus rounds were hysterically traditional - break the boards, beat the bull, and so on.
Great Game. Double Dragon is also worthy of a bow to your sensei.