What's so wrong about flashy TKD?

Oh hahahah that explains many of your threads and bad reaction to responses.

People do not get the benefit of the doubt here at all.

It is why this site puts people off.

Interesting comment. I think you’ll have to agree with me–uh oh! here I go assuming again!–that the vast majority of comments on here pretty say that ATA as a whole is just overwhelmingly bad. I think “useless” is also a word I have encountered pretty regularly. Hell, as a matter of fact, I lost count of the number of times that TKD entirely has been referred to as a useless martial art.
Okay and…?

I likened what to XMA? ATA? Well XMA is an ATA thing right?
Nope. XMA is extreme Martial Arts. That means any style can do it. I’ve seen Karate XMAers, Kung Fu Xmaers, TKD Xmaers etc etc etc.

So no ATA is a TKD Organization. Like with what I said about Krav some schools teach XMA.

Umm . . . maybe. Or really just the practice to specifically focus on perfecting moves for demonstrational purposes. I mean, it’s not really out of the question that a school could focus on doing both.
No it isn’t. Yet, many schools that do both have two different coaches/instructors.

It’s kind of a weird situation. I was doing some ground work with a guy during randori and, I don’t know, I guess I just twisted it wrong or something because all of a sudden there was this searing pain as if I had pulled a muscle. It hurt like shit and I could barely move. After several weeks it got progressively better and I assumed it would heal up on its own, but it seemed to heal about 95% and then . . . just stopped. So I can still feel it back there but it only gives me problems with specific movements.

One weird thing is that if I get real active and get a lot of blood flowing to the area, then I don’t feel it anymore for a while. Funny story: A friend of mine and I ordered UFC 83 and after it was over he was like, “We should fight each other!” And I said okay. It was mostly a grappling match but after I got my body temp up I couldn’t feel the back thing for as long as we were wrestling.

I’m honestly not sure what the problem is. I would like to get it looked at but I don’t have the $$$.

Check this link and see if it sounds about right.


Nah, I don’t come here (or to any board) to start shit so naturally I’ll be put off by what sometimes seems like auto-hostility. (If that was my game I’d spend all my time on Sherdog.) I don’t have any local MA friends so I’m just looking for good discussions with knowledgeable, enthusiastic practitioners. So when I ran across this forum I was like, “Hey! An MA board that gets a lot of traffic! Awesome!” I do think people should foster community within the MA world and be generally supportive as opposed to being like Fuck you.

I guess I was under the impression that XMA was a copyrighted ATA thing. Guess I was wrong.

Makes sense.

Not really, but I do appreciate the link. I actually had a chiropractor take some X-Rays (my judo instructor also happened to a chiro) but he didn’t see anything unusual. I think I did something to the muscle . . . may tore it somehow or something. Man, I don’t know. It sucks though. I’m about to the point of just accepting that it’s something I’ll be dealing with until the day I die. This is one of the main reasons I’m considering martial arts that aren’t real heavy contact, though.

If your back is that jacked up then I would say defintly do not do the aerial kicks (XMA style).

You torque your body in such ways that your back will constantly hurt. I messed my back up years ago and I will only do a jumping 360 back kick on rare occasions.

I’m going to show you why people give XMA shit.

Well, Randy, I ain’t no old guy from New York set to give a long speech, but I will say this. While XMA is not built upon combative principles, it is not without the possibility of applying itself in combat. When you look at Capoeira, it carries similar movements of ‘extreme’ twists, flips, and kicks, all of which really do hurt when you accidentally get hit during a roda. Just last year, I was taught how to play in Capoeira whilst holding razor blades in either my mouth, my hands, and even inbetween my toes. Now, is that even close to MMA. No, and here’s why: MMA is not martial arts. It’s just fighting.

Out of all the fighters I see training in Muay Thai or Jiu Jitsu, or any other style, if they are standing up, most of the time, the guys just wait and wait until they can hit a combination, and if they are on the ground, I see constant stalling, and people trying to strengthen through a movement, opposite the principles of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. When you practice techniques of martial arts systems without giving thought to principles and concepts that flow through that system, then you are just practising moves in a system. MMA, to me, is no different than Olympic Tae Kwon Do Sparring, or any type of point sparring. While it looks impressive visually, it is still with the concept of limitations set upon people to derive from their ranks what the quorum of America’s public would want to call a hero, or a champion.

Does that mean that the guys in those cages aren’t worth a damn. Not at all, but to call every one of them a martial artist is lacking in truth. For me, personally, I don’t like point sparring. To me, flash is trash (And don’t try to harp on me for this comment, Mike Chat has personally told me the exact same thing). I’m a combative person, and while I enjoy practicing things like Wushu (China was awesome, btw), I still look for the principles of arts that will help me prepare my body for war and my mind for peace. That doesn’t mean that point sparring and the like have no place in this world; I’ve met plenty of people that are more about competition than anything else. And with that note, my computer’s battery power is just about dead, and I need to go finish a college paper (8 pages worth). Darn, wish I could have said more on the subject.

I put the paragraphs in randomly so, it may not read right.

I’m not posting the website because, the don’t need a forum invasion. Actually, they have mma fighters and people that compete in NAGA. Many posters said XMA isn’t a “fighting art.”

The quoted speech is the type of person we used to get on a regular basis.

but we then banned inbreeding

So would you say that the general attitude among Bullshido posters was born out of a sense of great frustration?

BTW do you know of any other MA boards that get a lot of traffic?

Interesting you mention that. That specific kick has given me some problems since “the incident.” Sometimes I think things are getting better though and then others I’m not so sure.

What type of problems?

He is just t3h suck at judo :dink:

no most came here with attitude.

you will see alot of “If you don’t do Muay Thai or BJJ then you are wasting your time” type of stuff.

Or traditonal arts are the best and blah blah blah.:gaygay:

You just have to be willing to sift thru the shit to get the good stuff and be willing to get flamed from time to time.

Just a sort of sharp moment of pain when doing the jump spinning back kick. Like I said, it seems like it might be getting better. The last few times I haven’t had much problem and believe it or not I just threw the kick in my living room to see what would happen. No problems, though. I’m also able to hit the gym and lift without too many problems. Some movements are a little uncomfortable at times, but no significant injuries.

This is what I’m seeing a lot of. Seems that too often any MMA related martial art gets praised and all others get shit on. Of course, that’s not an absolute statement. But that’s the impression I’ve gotten from MOST people since I got here.

you learn to ignore it and maybe even love it :love7:

The general spirit of Bullshido is that (1) alive training is better than dead training, (2) without sparring, you won’t learn to fight, and (3) if you’re going to claim that something works, you’d best pack some evidence.

In this context, it’s an inevitable consequence that MMA is rather well received: It provides plenty of evidence of what works (and what doesn’t), and anyone who practices for MMA is bound to spar. (There are obviously a few more causal links in that brief bit, but I’m sure you see what I’m getting at.)

Flashy TKD (or anything else for that matter)…

Nothing wrong with it unless you try to use it/market it as something it isn’t.

Flashy MA does not necessarily make good self defense. Good exercise, flexibility and wow factor - sure. But your jumping spinning 720 degree round kick ain’t likely to keep the bad guy from raping your ass.

Good self defense does not necessarily make flashy MA. Wanna win forms competitions in open tournaments - better add some jumping spinning 720 degree round kicks.

The each have their uses. The problem comes from misuse. My big complaint is when folks who teach one (flashy ma or fighting oriented MA) aren’t aware of what they are doing and say its good for the other use.

Thanks for not reading the thread.

All right.

Which one of you motherfuckers is gonna get raped first?