What style do you guys do?

just wanderin

The ones in our style fields. Fuck you. Trollshido this plz.

There are currently 1,850 (give or take) active Bullshido users; not all of them are guys.

You posted your idiotic “first thread” in the Martial Arts Fraud and Investigations forum.

Now reread your title…now your post…what about either of those examples of cretinism are related to Martial Arts Fraud and Investigation?

Think it through…I’ll wait…

…got it?, not yet? continue to work it out…

YES, you are correct sir!!! the answer is NOTHING.

Now either go and reread all of the new board member stickies (“Posting and You” should be particularly interesting) or use your monitor to beat the stupid out of yourself, the world will indeed be a better place.