What martial art is best to protect against black gangsters?

that’s pretty good but…

" Can I apologise for my earler language, my cat died recently and Im a bit angry at the moment,…"

So a woman is attacking you with a knife huh?

Well, it’s a bit complicated, but I’ll give it a shot…

There’s a good chance the knife will have a bladed edge; you want to look out for that. If it’s a butter knife (since women stay in the kitchen all the time, they don’t know how to REALLY fight with a knife) then you have nothing to worry about. Tell the bitch to get back to making your dinner and the dispute is over.

On the offchance she DOES get a bladed knife, things might get serious.

Now, there’s a high probability she will be holding it with her hand. Is she right handed? Is she left handed? You better find out quickly. Women ALWAYS know which hand they use. So, if you don’t figure it out, they’ll get you.

Now when she comes at you, the bladed end will probably be pointed toward you (remember previous discussion about determining if it’s bladed or not). When this happens, avoid the blade at all costs. It’s that simple. She will probably come at you again, but all you have to do is repeat the process.

I hope this helps.

Yes, it’s a sad world.

You should get rid of your girlfriend and start dating this one:

YouTube - Girl Using the Balisong Knife

Hopefully next time things end differently.

Is it wrong that I think that’s hot?

This is the type of knife she pulled on me

and it’s a rather sharp one, perhaps I should hide it? (it’s in our kitchen)

no just childish

Have you thought about buying her a food processor instead? You’d only have to be careful if she:
A] Put your head in it, bypassing the safe-guards and blended you.
B] Put it in a pillow-case and beat you with it.
C] Plug it in and drop it in the bath while you’re bathing.
D] Choke you with the cord

There are probably more, I’m gonna go look on Phil Elmore’s forum, k?

Volunteer to do all the meat trimming/vegetable cutting in the house from now on?

At least the instructor seemed to know how to defend a takedown, not so sure about the claw brush-off, but if they’re coming at you like that - anything would work.

They throw things - don’t you watch movies? That or sneak around and set everything up ruin your shit for the rest of your life…so more like a knife feint.

am i the only one who’s really disturbed when i heared that freaky older guy singing: children…children…?

wtf people!!!

Just keep the knife hidden on your person at all times just in case you have another “discussion” or have to talk about the finer points in life…

Quit calling her Mrs. Bobbit?




excuse me young negro person of colour, what are you actually trying to say?