extreme dead horse bashing aikido wing chun?
SWAN Ninjitsu
j00 iz Teh Sm4rT
Ki Chuan do is the most effective martial art in existance to man.
so is systema
Butts lmao
It depends on what you’re doing the martial art for.
If you want to dance around like a fairy, then there are arts which you will love, however fighters will consider useless.
If you just want fitness, they’re generally all useful.
Combat-wise, qi gong is pretty pathetic (unless you’re one of their students, in which case it’s Godly).
travel to russia. train in the form of systema and engage in guirella warfare with your fellow terrorist brothers
Spellcheck ftw
BJJ and Muay Thai pretty much suck.
Capoeira and 5 Animals are really good.
Kalaripayattu is the greatest MA ever.
Trollling on threads is the most useless MA I know of. Followed very closely by George Dillman’s “art”.
i’ve got a different question: who’s the most useless noob poster of 2009?
Too soon.
Before this gets Trollshido’d, Radical Ki.
The most helpful martial art is SEARCH FUNXUN-FU
What is the lowest content post of 2009?
All of them that don’t “gear up and bang”…