When I was in Oceanside(for those of you who dont know, thats where Camp Pendleton is located) and my brother brought it to my attention that practically 85% of the young Marines there are sporting the crotch rockets. I have nothing against crotch rockets, I persoanally like dirt bikes and quads, but to each their own. I am just curious, are you guys issued them now? Well you made it through boot here is a crotch rocket. Now that I think about it every Marine just about I know that is younger than 30 has one. Whats the big attraction? You get shipped to Japan and like the coulture a lot?
I thought they were issued Camaros? They must have needed a replacement after Chevy stopped making them.
I thought they usually just rape Okinawans to demonstrate their attraction to Japanese culture.
(Yes. I know Okinawans don’t like to be considered Japanese.)
Sorry, can you define the term “Crotch rocket”? Judging by the context, the meaning of the words are different to those that I am familiar with…:ingun:
Import motor cycles
Suzuki GSXR 1000
Maybe they think that they’re cool and buy them with their money?
Well, considering that 18-20 year old dudes like fast and flashy transportation, but they really don’t have the cash for a Porsche 911, what do you think they’re going to end up with? The motherfuckers cost $10,000 and go 200 mph. Duh.
You are all way too obsessed with my crotch.
Ill attempt at humor.
Judging by the Army guys around here, this behaviour is not exclusive to Marines. Though I’ll admit that when I was in the Marines and I had one of these:
I blame Top Gun.
I can’t speak for the marines but I just bought a 2008 Harley Davidson Road King Classic and instead of $72.00 a week in gas (just for commuting to work) I spend about $17. Marines most likely aren’t paid like they should be and probably find that a bike is cheap transortation and are easily sold when they need to move on.
Plus, Marine bases are always close to beaches. Chicks like to ride crotch rockets, too.
How is the term “crotch rocket” a reference to a motorcycle and not a euphemism for genitalia (no homo).
You would most likely need some level of intelligence to figure that out. Perhaps if we could get a picture of a guy sitting on a motorcycle that looks sort of like a rocket, write a description of how the person is sitting on the bike, write a short explanation about analogies, provide some graphs and a couple of charts, we might be able to help you figure that out. It just seems like a lot of work for such a risky gamble.
I don’t think the phenomenon of young males buying crotch rockets is exclusive to the Marines or enlisted men in general. The nearest military base is 200 miles from me, yet now that college and high school is out, any given night the main streets in downtown look like a DMX video.
This is a really stupid topic.
Marines = Young, aggressively trained, “Alpha Dog” mentality, risk takers.
Crotch Rockets = Cheap, fast, trendy, and risky.
It might be an ego thing. I know my dad never owned a bike(He was a career Marine) But after seeing how little gas my bikes take he is considering it lol Maybe Top Gun does play a part in it. (They are tearing the Top Gun house down BTW )Its the entire ego thing cruising up and down the beach on the bike. Hell when I was down there in the spring in my explorer cruising with the windows down, I was wishing I had got a Bronco with the top off, not the Limited Explorer with leather seats(BAD IDEA WHEN ITS THAT DAMN HOT!)