Just realized every member of Bullshido has a “Bully Level” and some sort of point/level up system that I can see when I click on their avatar name links, but for me it’s missing.
How do I get this back? What is it even for?
Just realized every member of Bullshido has a “Bully Level” and some sort of point/level up system that I can see when I click on their avatar name links, but for me it’s missing.
How do I get this back? What is it even for?
In part, it shows the overall quality of the posters input.
You are a zero. Over rated still, but that’s the bottom of the scale.
You are a zero. Over rated still, but that’s the bottom of the scale.[/quote]
lol, pushups…
By the way, what exactly is the ‘activity level’ bar (the blue one below the post count) - and how is it filled?
[quote=hungryjoe;2467110]In part, it shows the overall quality of the posters input.
You are a zero. Over rated still, but that’s the bottom of the scale.[/quote]
Thanks, but I’m pretty sure this is a side effect of the vbulletin system…I have a positive feedback rating, so it doesn’t make sense that I have no access to the same leveling system as everyone else.
I blame some technical bullshit.
You’re still a moron. The fact that you decided to post this shit in my support thread proves you’re a fucking idiot, with room to spare.
I noticed that a while back, but never mentioned it.
I dunno. Is your rep zero or something?
Also, activity level gains points from posting. I don’t believe it varies on how often you post, just quantity.
[quote=helmutlvx;2467726]I noticed that a while back, but never mentioned it.
I dunno. Is your rep zero or something?
Also, activity level gains points from posting. I don’t believe it varies on how often you post, just quantity.[/quote]
My rep is positive but I have a certain site-wide point value in the -7000 range, unrelated to feedback.
My guess is that it’s somehow related to all the infractions.
It doesn’t really matter.
What is “Bully Leve”
It is a misspelling for “Bully, leave”
Lol, if I knew the “Support Forum” was filled with as much useless commentary as the other threads, I’d have skipped it.
Thanks Snake, you’re another one who is mostly talk and little substance.
You are such a whiny faggot.
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2467878]Lol, if I knew the “Support Forum” was filled with as much useless commentary as the other threads, I’d have skipped it.
Thanks Snake, you’re another one who is mostly talk and little substance.[/QUOTE]
Quoting it, in case you again become afraid of your own bravery, idiot.
Insert obligatory W.Rabbit insult.
Since Bully Level increases with the number of posts you make, its used as a barometer of how much you contribute to the site.
Due to the nature of your postings, it seems that this grading system doesn’t work for you, so it was removed. You’ve made over 1600 posts in about 6 months. Maybe all of those posts were relevant to their respective conversations, but it doesn’t seem likely.
Its like you got an IEP for Bullshido.
[QUOTE=Pilgrim;2467883]Quoting it, in case you again become afraid of your own bravery, idiot.[/QUOTE]
No need to quote it. For all your posturing, you’re just a fucking kid who still uses homophobic slurs to get his point across, aren’t you.
You’re right about one thing Pilgrim, the site has become kind of a time waster and distraction to me, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I made all the wrong first impressions and it really kept me from making the best out of the site.
So I will leave you “Bullies” to your stupid little game. I’m too old for this shit, as Fake once told me.
[QUOTE=ChenPengFi;2467897]Awww, wittle wabbit getting upset…[/QUOTE]
No, upset would be me staying on the site to defend myself from pathetic manchildness like that ^. I heard better insults when I was in grade school, back when Reagan was president.
You’re a fucking bad joke with an internet connection. Lol bye Peng.
I’m glad you’ve demonstrated such an ability to “rise above” as it were…
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2467896]
You’re right about one thing Pilgrim, the site has become kind of a time waster and distraction to me, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I made all the wrong first impressions and it really kept me from making the best out of the site.[/QUOTE]
Hmmm… Where did I write this? - I think the gist of what I was saying was:
You contribute nothing, AND you’re full of shit.
Now, imagine not ME saying this, but this cute little pony:
…See, you are such an idiot. This makes you falling for the third time. Whiny little girl.[/spoiler]
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2467899]when I was in grade school, back when Reagan was president.[/QUOTE]
yet you still nicknamed your bitchin’ Mustang “Black Sunshine” (after a White Zombie song just to let everyone know that you are all still cool and stuff).
Pity that.
LOL, you’re too old for this site because you were in grade school when Ronnie was president.
JFK was president when I was in grade school.
Grow a thicker skin or leave, it’s your choice you know.
BTW, Pilgrim was right, you are a whiny faggot.