Ask your self this question. Then ask yourself if you are a warrior. A warrior will not quit under pressure. A warrior will strive to do his/her best at everything worth doing. A warrior will accept defeat with humility and then go back to the dojo, Gym, Club or what ever you call your place of training. A warrior will show respect at all times, even when they are pissed off. A true warrior will condition their body along with their mind to give them the ability to defeat their opponent. A warrior will stand up for what he feels is right and will not be willing to cave in. A warrior will look you in the eye and tell you where he or she is coming from, even though it may piss you off. A warrior will rise above challenges which are seemingly impossible. Case in point, having your ass handed to you by a boulder, that’s right I said BOULDER as in big rock! Last September I slammed into my new friend the boulder on my sport bike at 80 mph. No I didn’t slam straight into it, first I hit the graund and then bounced into it. All my years of training (25) and being thrown around like a rag doll couldn’t save me from my injuries. Collapsed lung, lacerated spline, broken shoulder blade in 3 places. What my training did help me with was the ability to recover. The Doctors told my wife I had 48 hours to live. I walked out of the hospital 3 weeks later. I walked into my dojo 56 days after my dance with the reaper. Although I did not teach for quite sometime I showed my students that I am still alive and I will be back. While in the hospital I caontracted the super staph infection which usually kills you, then it was learned that I was alrgic to the meds they were giving me for the mersa, after that I got pneumonia. The week before my accident my biceps measured 16" after a month of no activity they were 12". Today, nearly 1 year later they are back up to 15" and I am continuing to fight other injuries related to the accident. My point for this posting is simply this. Train hard each time you step on the floor. Focus your mind, and stay disciplined. Through all of this, I was forced to relocate my studio just 4 months after my accident. You can see pics of my dojo if interested at We always train to defend our self from an attacker. It is equally important to train your mind through hard physical training. When your body gives up, your mind must take over! When you rebound from your circumstances whether it is a bully, an attacker, a thief, or an opponent, ask yourself, AM I A WARRIOR? If you can look to the future and set your goals and pursue them vigorously, you can say you are a warrior. A warrior isn’t always about beating the crap out of someone. You must stay strong in order to be able to defeat your opponent regardless of the situation. NEVER ALLOW ANYTHING TO HOLD YOU DOWN!
What is a paragraph? Ask yourself that question.
What is the correct forum to post this type of drivel? Ask yourself that question.
Jing’s highest accolade possible, you earned it!!!
YMAS in 5…4…3…
The OP has apprently master the art of the montage, as shown from the video from his site:YouTube - Martial arts on the beach in California
Montage? I must apoligize that is not a word in my vocabulary, please explain. If you are referring to the lack of contact, I think they were just trying to be respectful and not injure me. This is an annual ritual at our beach training, which falls around my birthday.
“YMAS” ? not familiar with that either.please explain again. As for Sochin, I must apologize for my improper grammer, I was unaware my writing was going to be graded, or else I would have taken more time to ensure my writing was correct. Thank you for your feedback, and wisdom. As for the warrior video, I aint that pretty.
your martial art sucks.
Sir, I do not know your Grandma, and I resent the implication.
Seriously, a wall of unending text like that will stop people reading what you’ve written, and the assumption will be that you have nothing valid to say.
Come train with me Pauli then you can say anything you want about my martial arts, until then your opinion means absolutely nothing.
Your vocabulary sucks. “is our whitebelts learning?”
Pauli was answering your question: What is YMAS.
LOL. My Grandma was a real cool lady.
Thank you Sochin. Your advise is well taken.
SO somebody please tell me how I get rid of that stupid looking passafier and the phrase “noob”
Sochin can you enlighten me on “montage”?
IN regards to your post “I hate newbies” You mentioned that you always have guys not gearing up properly and then they get hurt etc. Aren’t you the masta?? I do not allow my students to fight without proper equipment. It’s a responsabiliity thing.
One would think that would make you the “newbie” in that realm HHMMMMMMM??
Well, it’s a French word (one of the few that don’t mean ‘surrender’ or ‘collaborate’) meaning put together. Usually it refers to a film or video… like a training montage that you might find in such films as Rocky, or the Karate Kid, or No Retreat, No Surrender.
I think that’s it.
Or, is it three way sex? Like montage a’ twat?
nope, definitely a film sequence.
Thank you Ddlr. I cannot accept credit for the you tube clip, it was filmed by one of my students.
YouTube - Karate Kid - Montage
ALL montages should look like this
I think Sensei’s video was more of a tribute to Chariots of Fire:YouTube - Chariots of fire - movie, opening scene
But seriously, the OP (that’s you Sensei) brings up a common theme in martial arts that I never quite understood. Why would you take philosophical advice/lessons from the same guy that teaches you how to fight. To me there related (the use of violence, character, etc.) but totally different things. One’s a phyisical activity, the other is a intellectual endevor. How many people can seriously be experts in both? Does being a good fighter or coach make you a philosopher?
To me, taking life lessons from your coach is like getting financial advice from your mechanic. Why the hell would you? Why don’t people just learn the martial arts and then get a library card do some reading if they want to learn that stuff?
Hey, those movies really helped me kick start my dojo. It’s funny though, I know of a chain of karate schools that act like the cobra kai. Even the local police laugh at this chain of schools, I am told by law enforcement people that everytime they pull up to a fight where one of these “martaial artists” are involved, it is usually them who got the crap kicked out of them.