What I can gather on Phil Porter

I’m going to use this thread to help me compile the info I’m trying to get on Phil Porter, please go ahead and post anything useful, links etc. that you feel may help. thanks

Initially on just searching bullshido archives I was able to find a thread about “Tyler Durden” going to a Phil Porter Judo seminar with a positive experience. The man obviously has a wealth of Judo knowledge, but later some people posted about his questionable activities including selling black belts and perhaps bankrupting the USJA. I’m going to try to get more info on this. At the USMA website I was able to find that he is a self-appointed 10th Dan in several arts including Judo which everybody considers bogus, there are no living Kodokan 10th dans, even though he may be a legitimate 9th dan.


a thread from 2002 stating that Phil Porter sold a jiujitsu blackbelt

Excerpt from letter written by Jim Bregman to the USJA membership January 2001.

"Mr. Phil Porter?s self assessment of his own managerial capabilities was that they were poor. I find nothing in my management review that would allow me in any way to quibble with Mr. Porter?s accurate self-confession. Mr. Jones did an outstanding job in bringing to light and documenting the impact and severity of this lack of managerial ability. His documentation has been posted to the USJA web site for those who are interested. The association owes Mr. Jones its very future because without his leadership and that of the Board of Directors, the courage to create a transition of management by removing Mr. Porter could not have been mustered. The USJA would have faced certain financial ruin and collapse.

History will judge Mr. Porter?s legacy to American Judo and the youth of this country harshly, I trust, because with all of his charm, marketing ability, and technical knowledge and skill; he did not need the self adorned and somewhat preposterous title of Osensei, he did not need to “sell” red and white belts to the highest cash contributor, he did not need to alienate and drive away loyal USJA members for disagreeing with his at times insane schemes and policies, he did not need to treat the other Judo organizations and their members with harsh words and disparaging remarks, he did not need to corrupt the finances of the association with his personal greed. But he did.

For all of this, I apologize to the past and present members of the United States Judo Association, the other Judo organizations and their members, and most importantly, I apologize to the youth of American who are the future of the sport in this country. The USA has many great leaders past and present who can revitalize the dream of the Association when it was created."

Thank you Chad, for those interested, I asked Chad to look into Mr. Porter and gather background information to see if he should be a bullshido target.


a really good link to a thread that has an essay by Phil Porter why he thinks it OK for him to do what he does, don’t have time to read it now but I’ll come back to it later