What Happens To MMA When The Black Fighters take over????

One you go Asian, you never go Caucasian.


why do you think it went from Caucazoid to CaucASIAN?


The funny thing is, I’m half Asian from my mother’s side. Asian women really is dilutin’.



Wow, that’s about as funny as another set of twin towers going down

Ooooh e-racism! My favorite!


You’re not getting it. You aren’t diluting us we are converting you.

is that so?

i’m giving our takeover about 20 years, tops.

before you know it, everybody’s gonna be a bad driver, tiny penised, and be able to score high on the SATs w/o studying.

just you wait.

what did you get on your SATs?

You think Tiger Woods got to where he was because he was solely Asian?

And look what we do for you:

This is an awesome image, please tell me you just made it.

I want to spam this into like every thread over on stormfront.

That hot Asian girl can dilute me anytime… !

Why do Asian girls make such weird noises in porn?


you just don’t get it.

she will continue to dilute other races with her Blasianess, because being part Asian… is better than not being Asian at all.

at least that’s what the mission statement told me.

wouldn’t you agree, ASIA?

because we’re dilooting you!

it’s really an act of hate when we marry/reproduce with you gai jin.

Actually, if you know anything about genetics, you’d realize that there’s a solid chance that the kid of the kid of an Asian and an African wouldn’t have any Asian genes at all.

That’s what whitey would say…

Well history shows that white people always win at everything, so you need to stfu.

look. don’t fucking try to use your stupid logic on me. those chances are SLIM.

i’ve already had this discussion with my dirty gai-jin white-boy husband.

by that logic… 20 years down the line, my half breed son can marry a half breed girl and churn out a baby that’s either completely white or completely asian. my grandkid’s got a 50/50 chance, right? BULLSHIT.

it’ll be chinky eyed and snot nosed…
from his naps to the bunion on his big toe…

i keeps it movin.

Well I was being cordial (and sarcastic), but now you’re in my territory.

What history are you talking about? I like sweeping generalizations as much as the next guy, but you will have to back this up with some factual history.

We talkin’ military engagements, domination of indigenous populations, economic, or dare I say, cultural “wins”?

By your argument I can prove your statement incorrect by giving one example of when someone who isn’t white or a population of “not whiteys” has “beaten” the white man.