i am just mondering how do you usually train at home,when your gym/dojo i closed or you cant go train,what do you usually do to stay sharp and try to improve yourself when you dont go train your martial art?do you do katas,heavy bag,shadow boxing?
If I can’t make training for a couple of days I’ll do some crossfit and a 4km run. If I’m lucky I might get to hook up with an MA friend and do some focus pads or light sparring. Mostly, I go out of my way not to miss training.
OP - you have ‘street fighting’ in your style field… does this just mean getting into lots of fights (organised fights, muggings or beating up drunks and bums) or is it an actual training system?
fuck off man it was a joke jesus…,i dont get into street figths i avoid them,i dont even need to avoid them because i dont get into troubles, i do judo and did some mt and i am gona start karate,but whatever i am gona change it if that is such a “big deal”
I make time to go to the gym.
ho my god so much information thank you so much for the details
[QUOTE=judoka_uk;2582028]It means he’s an idiot. That’s what it always means.[/QUOTE]
serious man?is it necessary to call me a idiot?what did i do to you that was so disrispectfull?just because i had street figthing,that wasnt even trhue on my style that is how you deal with thinghs like that