Ok, me and my friend had a little chat tonight when we got back from the pub. Twas a random chat but still it made me realise a few things. People should stop boasting about how great their art is and get on with their lives. If you get in a hostile situation, do what you gotta do and get the hell out of there before you get hurt, or your girlfriend get’s raped:-
Andy says:
Ello mate
I’m no Wilma Flintstone, but I can make your ''Bedrock" says:
I’m no Wilma Flintstone, but I can make your ''Bedrock" says:
you left pretty soon after me then
Andy says:
Yeah mate it got too smoky and hot and i need to get some sleep
Andy says:
Good night though. Good to see Jo and the old alex manager Andy.
I’m no Wilma Flintstone, but I can make your ''Bedrock" says:
I’m no Wilma Flintstone, but I can make your ''Bedrock" says:
bit of a flashback
Andy says:
Yeah i can imagine,
Andy says:
Well they say memories can be more vivid than reality sometimes.
Andy says:
Who ‘they’ are is anyone’s guess.
I’m no Wilma Flintstone, but I can make your ''Bedrock" says:
Andy says:
lol. Thats funny but i fucking hate that website. it’s full of pretentions wanker wannabe cage fighters
I’m no Wilma Flintstone, but I can make your ''Bedrock" says:
I’m no Wilma Flintstone, but I can make your ''Bedrock" says:
all they ever say is “I’d love to spar with him”
I’m no Wilma Flintstone, but I can make your ''Bedrock" says:
and they think that BJJ is the be all and end all of martial arts
Andy says:
" i do BJJ and it the best, because i love getting kicked in the head by some guy while i’m gaying up the piss head i’m fighting with"
Andy says:
These people need to realise martial arts came about so that people could defend themselves. Not try to prove who can sweat all over someone the
Andy says:
“I’m the shit but as soon as someone pokes me in the eye or catches my bollocks i hide behind the ref”
I’m no Wilma Flintstone, but I can make your ''Bedrock" says:
Andy says:
Its funny but its so true. The other day I said to my friend “if you take me to the floor i’ll rip your nuts off” he said “well i’ll bite your face off” i said “well whats the point in doing BJJ then?” he promptly shut up…
I’m no Wilma Flintstone, but I can make your ''Bedrock" says:
Andy says:
I can appreciate that its one of the most effective martial arts IN THE RING, but on the street when some pissed tosser and his mate (or 4) is causing trouble you want to disable the immediate threat then get the fuck out of there
Andy says:
“i took him to the floor and arm-barred him” “Yeah but he raped your girlfriend while you were doing it” “er…”
I’m no Wilma Flintstone, but I can make your ''Bedrock" says:
I’m no Wilma Flintstone, but I can make your ''Bedrock" says:
there’s a lot of funny videos on this site
Andy says:
Anyway enough of that. I’m gonna go get me some sleep so i can function at a reasonable level tomorrow.
I’m no Wilma Flintstone, but I can make your ''Bedrock" says:
ok mate, cya later
Andy says:
Take care buddy See you on thursday.
Andy says:
night night
I’m no Wilma Flintstone, but I can make your ''Bedrock" says:
Nuff said. Get a life :sign13: