Welcome the Dirty n00b

I am a dirty, dirty n00b. My first post is in trollshido. How is that for a harbinger of things to come?

First, my MA: I am a 40th Dan in TongueFu. My dojo is your woman’s room when you are off training.

I started in TKD when I was seven, I made the rank of white belt. This makes me (let me see if I get this right) t3h deadly111!! I was a wrestler for 6 years through middle school and high school in Oklahoma. I had my ass handed to me and I fed some others their own. This is the way it goes. I am now enrolling in an Aikido class at the Y. Yeah, that’s right…Aikido at the YMCA. Start the welcoming committee. More on my welcome in a minute.

The 'leet speak you guys use here (n00b, t3h deadly, pwn3ed, etc.) is lame. Keep trying, you’ll get there.

A lot of the BS that goes on here is the very bullshido that this site purports to combat. All of your “Active” and “Alive” and “Resisting” training is nothing more than self flagellation. Yeah, if you want UFC or Pride, then this site is for you. If you want to survive a street fight, get a gun or learn to run away. As for me, I avoid every “real” conflict that I can.

For those of you who are convinced that I am just a troll, there is a point to this. After lurking for a while, I know what kind of welcome I can expect. Omega…piss off. The best defense is a good offense. Also, in a “real” conflict there are no rules. However, in order to keep this from becoming a “deadly” match, I posted this in Trollshido. I do have some respect.

I back all my shit talking. Nowhere have I said I could or would kick anybodys ass or the like. If I ever make it to a throwdown, I’ll show appropriate respect and give as good as I get.

I look forward to my welcome. As you can see, I am terrified.


Re: Welcome the Dirty n00b

Originally posted by egadrotu
The 'leet speak you guys use here (n00b, t3h deadly, pwn3ed, etc.) is lame. Keep trying, you’ll get there.

Yeah, it is.

Which is why it’s generally used in mockery or with whimsy.

For the first time ever I think I can say that this guy isn’t even worth my time.

When is “|eet” speak ever not lame?

The only reason to use it as far as I can tell is to make fun of those who think it ever is more.

If the only viable self defense is running, why are you taking Aikido?

Good question Dochter.

There is value in the martial arts. For defense purposes as well as overall fitness purposes. If I were confronted with a street fighting situation, I would run 99% of the time.

The other 1%, Aikido, (BJJ, GJJ, WC, etc.) would probably not help me much, but I can always hope and it is better than nothing.

IMHO there is a lot that is learned in martial arts that can be of great value in the everyday world. Improved balance, grace, confidence and an understanding that there is always a bigger, badder person out there. Getting your ass handed to you increases your humility. Of course, the throwdowns and higher level sparring that is prevalent here probably increases all of that as well if not better.

Oh…two things. My bad about the |eet speak. From what I have seen, it appears as though there is a core group of a dozen or so that get the joke. The rest appear to do it as a way to look cool to that group.

Well Omega, it looks like that is the friendliest welcome I have seen any noob get from you. I feel honored.

Thanks to this board for steering me away from Century gear.


Just wondering, how do you like trollshido?

Hello Brandeissansoo,

I take this is one of those escalation of conflict signals that means that you either have or will soon banish me to trollshido or entirely. If that is the case, so be it. I will respect that and not post anywhere else. Actually, if that is the case, I will not post on the forum at all. My desire is not to stir up trouble.

If you, as an admin, tell me that you would rather I not post, I won’t. No hidden identities or anything at all. If my entrance was too aggressive…I won’t apologize for that.

Fear the NFL champion.

Originally posted by DCS
Fear the NFL champion.


heh, how’s that for a scary bullshido greeting?

Welcome to bullshido.

Omega: I win on this one.

Bad troll. I give him a 3 for content, but a 6 for effort

Originally posted by egadrotu


Originally posted by OneWingedAngel
Bad troll. I give him a 3 for content, but a 6 for effort

Are you kidding? Surely this is the King of Trolls, Matthius100?

Originally posted by Matsufubu
Are you kidding? Surely this is the King of Trolls, Matthius100?

I stand by my rating; his stuff was the same old crap, but it was put in a slightly more entertaining way, so the 6 for effort. If it’s matthius, well then, that doesn’t change that fact that it was a bad troll.

Good one Brandeissansoo. You have an inherent advantage that Omega doesn’t with that admin title by your name. Way to bring a gun to a knife fight.

DCS scores points. I am suffering withdrawl from the National Football League. I assumed.

And OneWingedAngel, at least it was entertaining.

Well then, back to lurking unless I have something of actual value to post.

I smell Bullshit.

So you claim being 40th dan in tongue-fu but mistakes National Footbal League with National FORENSICS (debate) League.

Originally posted by egadrotu

Oh…two things. My bad about the |eet speak. From what I have seen, it appears as though there is a core group of a dozen or so that get the joke. The rest appear to do it as a way to look cool to that group.

I call those people dumb.

Using leet speak is by and large affectation. Affectation doesn’t make you cool.

DCS, I am Dan in the Sisters of Sappho school of TongueFu. I’m only a brown belt in the Lincoln/Douglas school.

seems like matthius to me, otherwise, I don’t see the point for someone starting their posts here

I never read a lot of Mathius. What I do recall was rather incoherent.