We'd like to apologize for our forgetfulness

You could try lifting it.

You could also stretch one band between two trees or poles and have a friend place one of the 10 pound weights in the center of the band, pulling it back as far as possible (lke a crossbow). Have them let go, and try to catch the weight between both palms as it shoots towards you. This will give you biceps.

do what you can, aas much as you can, then repeat

[QUOTE=Tom Kagan;2561738]why do you even care about increasing the size of any of your body parts?[/QUOTE]
Not everyone is endowed like you or I.

Fap regularly, fap often. Alternate hands.

Lol at me thinking a 16 year old needs this type of advice.

Excised from: http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=107036

If you want to post in the technique forums, be informative and stay on topic or don’t bother.

I unreservedly apologise for my troll like behaviour. As everyone on here knows I NEVER engage in trolling and feel I have let everyone down by engaging in it for the first time ever. In my defence, I was going through some shit at the time, my circumstance had changed and I had fallen in with the “wrong crowd” (Matt Phillips).

Oh sure, blame the JewZ

How is fapping often and swapping hands not a valid suggestion in the technique forum?