[quote=adouglasmhor;2292836]Thanks but Rudy’s post that started it should be here too.[/quote]Nope the context, thanks to the quote in your OP, is right in this thread. When the Tsunami hit we had people do similar things. It was a quick innocuous blurb and you flipped out.
IMO there was nothing wrong with the post in YMAS.
I hardly think what I said was flipping out. But like you said the context will show from my included post.
You spoke about dead bodies, shovels, burials, whining, creating new threads, and able bodied men doing things themselves. All from a statement of send money.
It read like a mini-rant.
When you added the part about donating, It felt like you flipped out because, it was everyone’s favorite poster.
I still think able bodied men should do things themselves. I know they can’t do everything but they cam make a start. Wounded people were lying on the ground beside corpses today last I heard, How much infrastructure do they need to make a start on doing something about that?
Plus I said I wont be giving my money - I never told or asked anyone else what to do. Or what they should do.
Wow, incredible, you make what could be called the second cruelest and insensitive comment of this whole issue(PAT ROBERTSON STILL HOLDS #1) and you go on as if you are the injured party. Sucks to be you.
I would take great pleasure in taking that shovel and burying you in Haiti. All while I pissed and shit in your coffin. I’m sure your mother would do backfliups if she read your line, you racist pig asshole.
What a giant surprise. People act like assholes and mention other peoples fights as an escape. thrilling…
[quote=adouglasmhor;2292854]I still think able bodied men should do things themselves. I know they can’t do everything but they cam make a start. Wounded people were lying on the ground beside corpses today last I heard, How much infrastructure do they need to make a start on doing something about that?
My God, this the end of the world, when a soulless cretin like you can come on and make what is positively the most contemptible remark possible and lighting doesn’t strike you where you stand.
" Are there no institutions?" No, Ebenezer, there aren’t any.
[quote=SifuAbel;2292953]My God, this the end of the world, when a soulless cretin like you can come on and make what is positively the most contemptible remark possible and lighting doesn’t strike you where you stand.
" Are there no institutions?" No, Ebenezer, there aren’t any.[/quote]
sometimes I wonder if it’s not your 13 year old daughter/something posting for you. How can a grown man be such a drama whore? Oh that’s right, Kung-Fu…
There are barricades of dead bodies “in protest” to the “slow” aid response. How industrious! That is the very height of the inadequacy of what adouglasmhor is getting at. People have a tendency to cannibalize or cooperate at times like this, we should be much less tolerant of the first category.
The rest of the world cannot do much more than they already are right now. C-130s are idled at Travis AFB waiting for a place to land…so forth. Those institutions you speak of^ aren’t there to receive the help.
Its fine you have the sentiment you have, but as usual you make it into the usual sanctimonious horseshit you’re known for.
[quote=SifuAbel;2292948]Wow, incredible, you make what could be called the second cruelest and insensitive comment of this whole issue(PAT ROBERTSON STILL HOLDS #1) and you go on as if you are the injured party. Sucks to be you.
I would take great pleasure in taking that shovel and burying you in Haiti. All while I pissed and shit in your coffin. I’m sure your mother would do backfliups if she read your line, you racist pig asshole.
What a giant surprise. People act like assholes and mention other peoples fights as an escape. thrilling…[/quote]
I have not mentioned anyone else’s fight . I never mentioned anyone’s race
I suppose you would be capable of pissing and shitting in my coffin if I was actually dead. As I am alive your only option is to hurl baseless insults from behind your keyboard. You obviously have emotional, social and mental issues and they are not going to get better on their own. I know you have a habit of ducking out of appointments but make one with a MH counsellor or a self help group, you are only doing yourself damage at the moment.
Or just go and cry some more in the corner you obnoxious little cunt, I really don’t care about you at all.
[quote=It is Fake;2292850]You spoke about dead bodies, shovels, burials, whining, creating new threads, and able bodied men doing things themselves. All from a statement of send money.
It read like a mini-rant.
When you added the part about donating, It felt like you flipped out because, it was everyone’s favorite poster.[/quote]
I added the part about donating when I found out International Rescue Committee were already there, I donate monthly to this and used to volunteer before I got diagnosed.
Wow, incredible, you make what could be called the second cruelest and insensitive comment of this whole issue(PAT ROBERTSON STILL HOLDS #1) and you go on as if you are the injured party. Sucks to be you. [/quote]
See below in my response to your comment on mentioning your asskicking ( well tap out to ear grind ) by Anthony .
I would take great pleasure in taking that shovel and burying you in Haiti. All while I pissed and shit in your coffin. I’m sure your mother would do backfliups if she read your line, you racist pig asshole.
Do a barrel roll ?
What a giant surprise. People act like assholes and mention other peoples fights as an escape. thrilling…
I am pretty sure the reference is mandatory in any thread in which you take or pretend to take the moral highground .
You act and acted like Pat Robertson every time you incite and encourage stupidy and ignorance except instead of deluded elderly Christians and impressionable youth seeking the right path to a connection to God. You stick to the ignorant , misguided , or ill informed members of the MA world .
Which of course gets you a better seat in hell than good ole Pat .
Haiti is one of, if not, THE most economically disadvantaged places in the western hemisphere so there is little or no infrastructure to deal with something even remotely on this scale.Besides, how do you know he wasn’t breaking at the time, concrete is fucking heavy and it doesn’t come out in uniform chunks like automotive glass. Not to mention the fact that the guy in question might not have the healthiest diet in the world so be doing such tasking work?
Next time don’t go all hate masterbaition on the internet until you at least put five minutes into thinking about something. Knee-jerk reactions make you seem like your sheltered so badly your still mad that the black haitian slaves rebelled against their french masters forming a supposed slave haven in 1791.
[quote=P Marsh;2293144]
Next time don’t go all hate masterbaition on the internet until you at least put five minutes into thinking about something. Knee-jerk reactions make you seem like your sheltered so badly your still mad that the black haitian slaves rebelled against their french masters forming a supposed slave haven in 1791.[/quote]
They made a deal with Satan to do it .
YouTube- Olbermann Slams Limbaugh And Robertson For Sick Comments
Wow, spirit, who knew you were such a sanctimonious prick. Moral high ground? Really? This tick on Wallace’s dick comes out bitching about Haitians not burying their dead(thousands) quick enough to suit his high and mighty majesty? People are trying to survive a flattened country. They’re trying to save the still living. They are scrambling to find resources to live out the night. How dare anyone come out with shit like this now?
And you wanna argue with me? Boy…
You and theotherserge needs frontal lobotomy’s like right now.
As for “Mr.” Mohr. there’s really nothing more to say, you’re a cretin.
[quote=It is Fake;2292850]You spoke about dead bodies, shovels, burials, whining, creating new threads, and able bodied men doing things themselves. All from a statement of send money.
It read like a mini-rant.
When you added the part about donating, It felt like you flipped out because, it was everyone’s favorite poster.[/quote]
Here’s a repost of why this thread is here if some of you mental midgets didn’t get the memo.
Catch and bait much?
So Rudy is still unstable, not everyone wants to donate, and Olbermann is still the fucking man.
All is right in the universe it seems…
Dolberman is a stupifying psyco. please call him “he who must not be named”.
[quote=adouglasmhor;2292854]I still think able bodied men should do things themselves. I know they can’t do everything but they cam make a start. Wounded people were lying on the ground beside corpses today last I heard, How much infrastructure do they need to make a start on doing something about that?
So lets get this straight, you saw a clip on the BBC where there were men standing about. And this leads you to the conclusion that they are doing nothing to help because you saw a snap shot on the TV.
Sounds reasonable.
[quote=Da Pope;2293225]So lets get this straight, you saw a clip on the BBC where there were men standing about. And this leads you to the conclusion that they are doing nothing to help because you saw a snap shot on the TV.
Sounds reasonable.[/quote]
They young able bodied men, they didn’t look particularly malnourished and they had plenty of energy to shout angrily at the cameraman. Like I say they could have been getting on with some thing more constructive.
Lmfao, Texas sigh
If you’re taking it seriously, Rousseau theorizes, in “The Social Contract”, a state of equality. Though, as I recall, he recognized that it was irrational and that some would have to suffer for the whole, people still flock to him… The ones that don’t have to suffer, I guess.
Anyway, if you support a position that withholds an unequal portion of anything, then you are keeping others disadvantaged. Being a racist, relative to this standard, isn’t a comment about your feelings about pigmentation, but a comment about the group you’re refusing to subsidize and your values in support of freedom rather than equality.
To my knowledge, Rousseau offers the clearest argument for this. At the other end of the philosophical spectrum is Locke. I guess his “Second Treatise” would be the logical foundation of your argument.
Both are short, easy reads.