Wasting my time

No, I’m mad Der and Lily came up with it first a year and a half ago.
Liquor, Loot, and…Laddies?!? - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

[quote=Santa Kill Aid;2273421]No, I’m mad Der and Lily came up with it first a year and a half ago.
Liquor, Loot, and…Laddies?!? - No BS MMA and Martial Arts[/quote]

I was right…

Stop lying your way into ladies pants, and be a fucking man you whinny pussy!

If you have to misrepresent yourself to have a casual fling, then you’re doing something wrong. Hence, feelings of guilt.

I have been absolutely up front with women about not being exclusive to each other and you know what happened? My multiple girl friends started coming around at the same time.

Let me tell you bro, three really is company too.

So nut up, grow up, and stop being a disingenuous slime ball.

Be an honest slime ball. At least you won’t feel guilty.

  1. Stop cheating on your girlfriend. Either break up, ask for an open relationship, or stop fuckin’ around.
  2. Stop investing yourself in meaningless sex.

Stop claiming you are having sex and pretending it’s with beautiful women.

Whining about getting laid? What the fuck?

Dear diary, I can’t stop my dick from dictating my behavior. Wah! Life is so hard sometimes!

Come back when you’re smarter than your hormones.

Or just kill yourself.

Shit, now imagine how much it sucks for us dudes who don’t get laid.

Best advice so far.

I refuse to to accept that we live in the same place. GET THE FUCK OUT MY STATE!

P.S. What gym do you train at?

Pics or GTFO.

[quote=Squerlli;2279322]Best advice so far.

I refuse to to accept that we live in the same place. GET THE FUCK OUT MY STATE!

P.S. What gym do you train at?[/quote]

Whoa didn’t mean to dodge you there, forgot to check back on this thread like … a month ago. I train at Extreme Muay Thai. It’s close to where I live, and their class schedules fit my work/commute(like inbetween Bushwick and Greenpoint, takes me like 45min-1hour one way with normal rush hour traffic to get back to Valley Stream).

Nah, he’s a 21 year old who thought this was a clever way to brag about all the women he claims he had sex with. Or think he had sex with. Or imagines he had sex with. I would argue anyone who slept with him got what she deserved.

Just a note: if you really feel guilty, try not referring to women as bitches.

I have the solution!

I’m 21 and celibate. The trick is to masturbate excessively on every piece of furniture in the house. You’ll probably wanna start drinking at home because the bars don’t seem to like this method of sexual evasion.

  • delete plz*

Man, threads like this make me so glad that all my love is hate and my heart is black as night.