Warhammer Crap

It’s come to my attention that BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD.

My bad. It looks like I took a wrong turn and ended up in the Twilight Zone for nerds.

Khorne sucks. Nurgle at least has a cthulhey look to them. Khorne is boring.

Is this where I post my Imperial Crusade Army? Again?

Purge the Heretic!!!

Tried to hook up with a Turkish girl some weeks ago.

Wanna hear the funny part of the story? - Her name was Nurgle.


[quote=Pilgrim;2454772]Tried to hook up with a Turkish girl some weeks ago.

Wanna hear the funny part of the story? - Her name was Nurgle.


Dude… she carries plague and muff disease.

This thread is worthless without pics… of your minis!

Most of my minis all in one place…

[quote=Pilgrim;2454772]Tried to hook up with a Turkish girl some weeks ago.

Wanna hear the funny part of the story? - Her name was Nurgle.

Maybe she was one of his nymphs.

(a pornsite named after the father of all STD’s)


Most of my minis all in one place…[/quote]

Wow that’s helluvan army. What chapters are part of your crusade? I can see Black Templars, Imperial Fists, White Scars and Space Wolfs. Missed any?

I mostly buy boxes of marines and kitbash/convert them, but I dont have any time (or skills) to actually paint my models.

Also- What is that WS Psyker thinking standing next to Black Templar.

[quote=keyoz;2454889]Wow that’s helluvan army. What chapters are part of your crusade? I can see Black Templars, Imperial Fists, White Scars and Space Wolfs. Missed any?

I mostly buy boxes of marines and kitbash/convert them, but I dont have any time (or skills) to actually paint my models.

Also- What is that WS Psyker thinking standing next to Black Templar.[/quote]

Space Marine Chapters: Black Templars, Imperial Fists, White Scars, Space Wolves, and a squad of Ultramarines Tyranid Hunters. There’s also a lone Dark Angels captain hiding in the command group. The White Scars are hoping that the Black Templars don’t realize a Stormseer is actually a Psyker.

Other forces present: There’s a large contingent of Grey Knights, a detachment of Sisters of Battle, a Deathwatch Kill Team (Chapters: Imperial Fists captain, Ultramarines Heavy Bolter, Black Templar, Space Wolf, White Scar, Crimson Fist, Blood Angel, Raven Guard, Dark Angel, & Salamander). There are two Inquisitors with retinues. And there are four Assassins lurking in that mess too.

I have a Captain Shrike painted up, and a couple of Raven Guard Scouts, but no other Raven Guard. I’ve been saving beakie helmets for a Raven Guard army. Forge World just came out with a bunch of resin RG figures and parts that I’m salivating over. I think RG is my next major project. But I have to finish my Space Wolves, and then I’ve got a couple of tank project to fill some gaps in the existing armies.

I have a few other odds and ends figures painted up that aren’t WH40K specific, but could serve as parts of an Inquisition group, or as civilians. My favorites are the Norse gods I’ve been collecting. I’ve got an Odin, Thor, and a Valkyrie. Oh, and I have a Cthulhu. He’s kinda cute in a malevolent way.

Like any serious modeler, I have a list of future projects. I’ve been planning a Space Sharks army for over a year now. I’m going to theme it as a Space Hulk boarding party. Although the name is silly, I’ve seen some really neat things done with them by modelers. I’ve been saving every Ultramarine specific part I could to create the ultimate, blinged-out Ultrasmurfs army. I’ve even been looking for Roman and Spartan parts (shields, spears, gladii, crests) to give them the deeply classical influence I think they deserve to lift them above the vanilla marketing they usually get. I’m waiting for plastic stormtroopers to make a small Inquisition airborne strike force with Valkyrie transports. Sooner or later, I’m going to get around to a Blood Angels army too, but I think GW just made them too easy with the last releases.



I never got into this shit. Tell me, is it like playing GI Joe?

Yes, yes it is, but better cause you have pretzels and beer.

Playing it is as boring as a motherfucker.
Painting is good fun though.

My project earlier this year was painting up some Iron Snakes Chapter

I do it while I watch to TV to relax (when I can’t masturbate for whatever reason):

They’re yours?? That’s some good shit igorami!

49th Aquilonean Rogue Trader Regiment standing by to bid on Space Marine gene seed retrieval contracts. Overhead is quite high when Space Marines object to having their gene seed extracted, but that is just one of the many challenges of running a self financed operation.

Took it with my Iphone but you get the general idea. I will post more later.

Wow, I’d love to do some Dark Angels but I can’t shade light colours, so I’d never get the result I’d want on the robes. Those look great though!

bleached bone base, flesh wash, dry brush bleached bone then dry brush a little white.

[quote=ignorami;2457260]My project earlier this year was painting up some Iron Snakes Chapter

I do it while I watch to TV to relax (when I can’t masturbate for whatever reason):


These are some nice Iron Snakes. They’re on my list to do some day… probably in the far future after I’ve got representation from all the First Founding Chapters.

Can I bust your balls for not drilling out your boltgun barrels?