Hi I’m new in this form
n I’m 17 now I’ve learn some martial arts before in Hong Kong
I’ve just been in adelaide to study for one week already
n want to find some place near eynesbury school to learn mma but best is not that late
I’ve a choice before in waymouth street ABS but yesterday I went …it’s close…anyone know y?
Hey Sameerlam welcome to BS
thanks n I wish to know more friends in here because I’m just staying in the homestay always very boring want to learn mma but cant find…
search function noob, we’ve had 3-5 other people here asking the exact same question and i’m sick of answering it.
shouldn’t this be in newbietown or something?
:5oops: sorry because I’m really new in here thats y I come to trouble u guys
Just do a search for Adelaide.
MMA has been a popular topic recently.