Wanna be Kim Joeongillin'? Try a bottle of this!

soju gets you into fights with korean dudes. sake gets you into fights with japanese dudes.

I would just like to clarify that it was not entirely the soju’s fault.

Soju and Tequila…no mas…

Oh, and that idiot who shoved me in the bathroom…

someone shoved you in the bathroom?

or are you referring to me?

No, I remember you distinctly.

hahaha, we gotta do that again sometime.

though, my children called from the future, they blame you for coming out with weird shaped heads.

soju is weaker than saki to me…still goes good with mango juice.

never heard of this kim jung il soju though…sounds interesting…gonna look for it this week

Yeah…uhh…why did I kick you in the balls?

yeah… i don’t think there was really a reason.


Because they were there.

I spent most of my tour in korea having soju-flashbacks. Good ole Soju and Kool-aid mix.

find calpico concentrate at your local japanese/korean market
mix with a little bit of water, as per instructions on back.

and mix 1 to 3 or 4 with soju. amazing.

if i’m in a good mood, i’ll split 5-6 bottles with a friend or two, straight shots over a BBQ of any kind. those are good days.