Wall of Text

hope u c this, tien shan pai means heaven mountain stlye of course with tien meaning heaven and shan meaning mountaing, pai of course means stlye as with fu jow pai and the rest. Tien Shan Pai, has alotta popularity in the area i was born and i live, D.C. all the way to Bmore. There are kung fu schools teaching tien shan pai, which claims shaolin. It is very legit. Willy Lin, who I consider the head of the style(Huang wouldn’t have thought of leaving Taiwan for the States if it wasn’t for Lin)acknowledges that these long ass generations are false claims. TSP IS A SYSTEM. Now I’m not tryna call yall dumb, but here’s the diff between a style and a system. A style is one art, like MizongYi(Huo Yuanjia’s style), one art comprised of forms,techniques and stances. MizongYi/YanqingMizongYi belongs to a family of styles, that family is LongFist, master Yang Jwing-Ming’s main style. Eventually after long fist was a style, it’s characteristics were used in the making of other arts, which then joined long fist’s family. Hope you follow, cuz this is where I tell you that Long Fist belongs to a school, that school is Shaolin. Shaolin also has a canon, or a curriculum of styles and families . For example, tong bei and mantis are styles in the shaolin canon, from the shaolin school. Now onto systems, a system is any 2 or more styles put into one whole curriculum under one new name. So Jung Sim Do for example, is a system of martial arts because it encompasses tae kwon do, hapkido, and yudo/judo. Purple Dragon is a system because it encompasses Karate and Jiu-Jitsu. Systems are made for many reasons, one could be to provide years,years,and years’ worth of martial knowledge(striking,grappling,throwing)in only years. in fact that’s what most systems do. I can see my post is longer than intended, so i’ll continue to break down h20 to hydrogen and oxygen. See if u wanna learn one style to mastery, it take over 5 years, so system founders simply stop the time from going into 15yrs and keep it at 5. and it’s efficient. To learn all the arts in shaolin is for exercise and self-defense. But there are so many arts to shaolin for striking alone, not to mention throwing and grappling. Get it? So tien shan pai is partly shaolin, it contains alot of shaolin arts, most kung fu styles claim shaolin lineage. There’s alot to the curriculum of TSP it begins to look like the shaolin canon, but the founder summed everything into , i’m guessing, 7yrs to master. It’s a system. and some of it’s arts are even Wudang or just not shaolin kung fu styles. But TSP is simply the best systematic approach i’ve seen so far to mastering martial arts. Especially chinese. Once I’m done with Korean M.A. i’m actually gonna learn TSP. I also wanna tell you this.Kung Fu is a term used by the first wave of Chin.immigrants before the red curtain dropped/cultural revolution. It was used by southern mainlanders and by Taiwanese. Then later, northerners started coming in and brought with them the term wushu. Wushu means martial art, whereas Kung Fu means skill acquired through time. But there’s one term not many have heard - Kuoshu. Kuoshu is used mostly by taiwanese and mainlanders acknowledge it and might use it as the official term seeing as most ppl don’t favor gong fu much anymore because it’s not really accurate. But Kuoshu means national martial art, the ppls art. and most Kuoshu practitioners compete in wushu tournaments, which are cleared by the head honchos of chinese m.a. which means that Kuoshu’s authentic and centuries old right, but guess what most kuoshu students practice, TIEN SHAN PAI. proving that it’s no bullshido. It’s even more traditional then alot of the wushu being practiced today. Ha, there u have it, it’s no bullshido. But i jus explaine a shido-load of info. u prolly won’t retain. and remember

STYLE- one art with techniques,forms, and stances, examples are Taiji,TKD,Karate
SYSTEM - 2 or more arts encompassing the principles,techs,forms,and stances from its arts. Examples TSP,Jung Sim Do, Purple Dragon,Kuk Sool Won, Hwa Rang Do.
SCHOOL - Organisation overseeing the use,creation,practice, promotion,authenticity,and competition of martial arts, often times a school creates the art like examples of schools are Shaolin for KF and wushu, Wudang for KF and wushu an taiji/bagua/xingyi. Chung Do Kwan for TKD, Moo Duk Kwan for TKD and Tang Soo Do, Jidokwan for Hapkido, Kodokan for Jap.M.a., WTF for TKD, Chin Woo for it’s own style, Kyokushinkaikan for it’s own style.

Dude, you fail on so many levels.

ya mom fails on so many levels der, j/k. maybe ur jus not comprehending what i’m saying, i tend to explain things to complicated. gotta fix dat. but brush up on ur knowledge. seems to me like ur an asshole on here, no offense. their are alot of cyber-soldiers.

How old are you?

Sahng: Do you think that you could break this into several smaller paragraphs with the topic sentence as the first sentence in each paragraph. Your lengthy post is hard to read. Thank you.

TN380, I’m sorry!

I forgot all about this post, this site, this email address and I’m sorry I’m replyin so late, it’s prolly real outdated but I will try to put what I said in my previous post into a nutshell.

The main point I was making is that Tien Shan Pai is legit. It means Heaven Mountain Sect(Pai means sect, men means school,etc.) Now, Willy Lin is like the head of the style, I don’t like Huang, many say he is corrupt and just not a good person. Willy was the original fore-bearer of this system.

A style/art is different from a system and I’ll explain this in a few ways: a style is more akin to an art but not the same. Styles are like Northern, Southern, internal, external, japanese, chinese, korean, etc. Tien Shan Pai is northern obviously. But it isn’t a martial art per Se. Why? It’s a system. A system is when 2 or more arts are combined. Tien Shan Pai always says it has a curriculum. Why?

Because Tien Shan Pai was invented as a way to systematically teach students shaolin martial arts. The curriculum includes several different arts. So do you see the difference between a style, art, and system. Jow Ga and Choy Li Fut are systems. Why? Jow Lung invented Jow Ga from Hung Ga, Choy Ga, and Northern Shaolin. To sum up the finer points, he made the system of Jow Ga. Jow being the surname, Ga meaning family.

Families often made systems of other arts and put their family name on it. Li Ga, Choy Ga, Lau Ga, you see. Just pay attention to how Jow Ga is a system it’s really the simplest way to put it. Now Choy Li Fut is Choy Ga, Li Ga, and Fut Ga. Or Choy family, Li family, and Buddha style(don’t know why Ga was added). Now an art is Tae Kwon Do, or Hapkido, or Judo, but when one decided to put these together under the philosophy of Jung Shin, it became Jung Sim Do. One could say they hold rank in each of the arts, but really it’s in each of the systems.

With many different arts being in the system of Tien Shan Pai, this can make one think they hold tenure in each of them, making them so many times a disciple of each art, giving the illusion of over 60 generations, but since it’s just under the style, Willy Lin refutes this, because you shouldn’t add generations from each art, this is being dishonest. I hope I didn’t miss any points, if you’ve read closely you’ll conclude this: an art stands alone, a system is many arts in one name and discipline, a style is a category that covers many arts and systems, Ga/Jia is family styles and can often be systems themselves. After this I’ll elaborate on styles in certain arts. Please make all replies cordial.

The Trouble With Styles…

Here’s the trouble with saying style, it covers way too much! But I’ll try to make the “style” subject much easier. Note: please make all replies cordial and don’t think that I think you guys aren’t smart, I just like making things more comprehensive. I know everyone on here for the most part is smart.

In martial arts a style can be based on: country(Chinese, Japanese,Korean,etc.), Geographic Origin/Distribution(Northern, Southern), focus(internal, external, striking, grappling), Grappling Focus(ground-fighting/throwing, joint manipulation/throwing).

Country: Pretty much explains itself. Wushu is Chinese, Karate is Okinawan, Jiu Jitsu is Japanese, Silat is Malaysian/Indonesian, Kuk Sool Won is Korean, Kuntaw is Filipino, Kalaripayattu is Indian,etc.

Geographic Origin/Distribution: This is pretty much prevalent in Chinese martial arts and present in no others to my knowledge. Chinese martial arts tend to be grouped by this. Some of China’s most famous styles are Hung Ga, Wing Chun, Choy Li Fut,etc. These are southern styles because they were obviously invented in the south. And do to this, they’re distributed for the most part in the south. Some other famous arts are Praying Mantis, Long Fist. Praying mantis and Long fist are styles invented in the north obviously. It’s easy to tell south and north apart, just remember: nan quan bei tui or southern fists, northern kicks.The south focuses more on hand techniques which is why they may seem more rooted. The north favors leg techniqes. The south is close in. The north is mid to long range attacks.

Also, I’d like to point out that Long Fist is not just an art but a style, there are many arts in Long Fist such as Mizong Yi and most northern styles are Long Fist. And also you can base styles on families.

Focus(Internal/External): Pretty obvious, Hung Ga and Long Fist are hard though at times fluid and focuses more on fighting. Taijiquan/Tai Chi, Bagauzhang/Ba Gua, XingYiquan/ Hsing-I, are all internal. They are very fluid and have immense health benefits. Can’t begin to tell you. And all except for XingYi are said to have started in the Wudang Monasteries. Why? Wudang are Daoists and one of the principles of Daoism is longevity and health, so they invented exercises to cultivate health. Xing Yi began as a military method. It’s very effective as well.
Most external chinese arts started outside of Wudang either in Shaolin or Ermei. KunLun and another moutnain sect whose name I forget have focuses either external or internal attributed to them.

This brings me to my next point. Zen buddhism began in India as dhyana, then flourished in China is Chan. Shaolin was dedicated to Chan. Bodhidhama instructed the Shaolin on Chan and taught them what’s known as Shaolin Martial arts today. The point is that, Chinese people also group martial arts by ethnic group, the Buddhists(Shaolin), the Daosts(Wudang), the Muslims/Hui(Long Fist, BaJi). Also, Ermei/Omei/Emei is one of the best mountain sects in China because Wudang, Shaolin, Daoist, Buddhist, Hui, all these arts are taught and blended here. It’s incredible.

Focus(Striking): Speaks for itself, arts like Wing Chun, Tae Kwon Do, Kenpo(does anyone else just not like this art??), BaJi, all of these are striking arts with little to no grappling whatsoever. BaJi and Wing Chun being the best mentioned. If you haven’t heard of BaJi, please look into it.

Grappling(ground-fighting/throwing): Like ShuaiJiao(Chinese/Mongolian wrestling) which is awesome and is an integral term in Chinese martial arts. Yusul and Jiu Jitsu are like this on the most basic level. But Jiu Jitsu is incredibly sycretic of joint manipulation too. Yusul is just korean Jiu Jitsu.

Grappling(joint manipulation/throwing): Chin Na, Hapkido, Aikido. You know, it speaks for itself once you mention those arts.

Note: As I mentioned above, please make all replies cordial. Also, Please respect Taijiquan/Tai Chi, if no other style then respect Chen and Wudang, the most powerful styles, they do pretty amazing stuff, They whoop ass. Like I said all replies cordial. And let me know if you think I missed any points.