Anyone know anything about it?
I heard it’s rather new, but I can’t seem to find any good info on it. And yes, I did a google search.
Just curious.
Anyone know anything about it?
I heard it’s rather new, but I can’t seem to find any good info on it. And yes, I did a google search.
Just curious.
In my opinion, any art with “Kai” in it is either for soft-bodied mole men, or badly written villains.
Badly written villains.
My girlfriend has her BB in Wado Kai. It’s an Okinawan branch of karate that is essentially Shotokan with a strong JJJ influence and some weird point sparring rules.
this wouldn’t be the same as wado ryu would it?
I think that kai is the Okinawan pronunciation of ryu.
Originally posted by Repulsive Monkey
I think that kai is the Okinawan pronunciation of ryu.
That’s what I think too (spelling, not pronounciation though). But I never heard of weird rules in that style. I have two BBs as friends who I train with. I need to ask them about it.
I’m pretty sure Wado-kai is an offshoot of Wado-ryu. …
Check this out ->
& Wado-ryu is a combination of Karate & JJ.
“Kai” I beleive means association.
It is the association of of the Wado-ryu style of karate.
I studied the art in the 80’s. Its basically karate with some jujitsu thrown in. Its simialr to goju-ryu with its soft and hard techniques. But basically its considered a fast style. Vs the hard power styles like shotokan etc.
It’s not actually karate. Wadokai (I think) is a new offshoot of aikido started by Roy Suenaka. It’s less ki-focused than Ki society aikido, but not as “hard” as Yoshinkan. There’s a book on Amazon called Complete Aikido by Suenaka, who seems pretty well-qualified. I’ve never seen a school, though.
Wado Kai was an early name for Wado Ryu. Otsuka (founder) used it early on. It may also be something else…
Definitely not aikido. Like I said, my GF studied it for a number of years.
Maybe the term applies to both karate and Aikido, then. I definitely have seen it used as the name of Suenaka’s branch of aikido.
well kai just means to meet or get together, gatherering or meeting, I believe, and I believe we need Asia or someone that actually speaks Japanese…
"Wado is a Japanese karate style founded in 1939 by Hironori Otsuka, which combines Otsuka Sensei’s early experience with classical jujutsu with the shotokan karate he learned as a student of Gichin Funakoshi’s. Wado, meaning the “way of peace/harmony”, is one of the four major styles of karate in Japan . . . " (history section)
Thank You:D
doesnt “kai” means some kind of place? like kaisha is a business company or something like that
Kanji usually has two types of readings. One is a Japanese reading, the other is a Chinese reading. The kanji for “kai” is the Chinese reading and is usually used for some kind of gathering or meeting. For example “kyou kai” = an association or a society; “kai sha” = a company, a firm, or a corporation. So in this case, I guess “kai” could mean “organization.”
By the way “ryuu” usually refers to “style.”