Waaah, my bergina hurts: My 3rd and last thread

I thought this would be a good discussion site, but it just seems to be a Brazillian JJ/ UFC fan site. A true martial artist does not denograte others, or their art. A true martial artist understands the difference between the street and the ring. Most of the posters here just seem like insecure thugs–they don’t know the first thing about being a martial artist. UFC is brutal, ugly, and usually breaks down into ground-fighting without the realism (you know the tired arguements, but they are very, very true).

Anyway, what a dissapointment. This could be a great resource, alas… This place is a cess pool. I’m writing this only to discourage people from wasting their time.

Grow up and use your skills to help others; be a protector, not a big mouth bully.

you’ll be missed!

Errr, did you lurk at all? What made you think a Ninjer would get a good reception.

“This may very well be my last post, but…”

You’re a tool, Flashlock.

OOOO!!! NewbieTown!!!

Flashlock, kindly make certain that you prevent the rather heavy oak doors from impacting upon your tender posterior whilst you render your exit in a fashion not seen since Glenn Close played Queen Gertrude in Hamlet.

Curious that you are still “Online” at the time of composition of this post.

What are you waiting for?

A cookie?


Here we have a deluded brainwashed Ninja LARPer that epitomizes everything we as a forum stand against and is clearly way beyond hope.


And she has been “Online” for at least a half-an-hour after posting the “You All t3h SuK I’m Leaving” thread which does not, frankly, belong in NewbieTown.


If I had a gun I wouldn’t run around shooting random people.

Bullys? Listen dickwad, I don’t need “super sensie seafood grandmaster wang fuck” to tell me that hitting people is bad, I already know this, because I’m not a fucking waste of human life. If you seriously need your MA xoach to tell [i]you[i] this, I’d suggest you’re the one with a violence problem.

This site is heavily biased; towards reality. That means it’s not for everyone, especially those who like dressing up and pretending to be feudal Japanese spies.

Nice thing is the Bleeding Vagina is still “Online.”

No cookies in this section!!!


Someone has got to post the Sandy Vagina pic.

Christ, I really hate being told what a “TRUE MARTIAL ARTIST” does.


Have you learned NOTHING?!?! Get out of my sight!



Oh my word!


Good riddance.

See, I have this feeling that this idiot strolled in last night and tried to educate the site on why his art and it’s practices were teh r3al. Then he bitched and moaned when he realised that no one was going to believe unsubstantiated storytelling.

Thankfully I wasn’t here for it, I was at a Lacuna Coil concert with many fit women, lusting over Cristina Scabbia.

In the battle for last night; me for teh winzz!!!onehundredandeleven!!!

He was so effective I do not even remember hating him.
