

Black (Bear) Belt in TKD takes down natures worst.

Take that Muay Thai.

Edit: Tae Kwon Do is supreme

uh, not enough commentary for the link. this better not be a waste of time or a repost…

Realizing it was a bear, his instincts kicked in and he utilized his training as a black-belt martial arts instructor.


“I turned and I just grabbed him by the neck,” he said. “I think I had him right behind the ears.”


Only a TKDer would be stupid and/or delusional enough to go toe-to-toe with a bear. Nothing other than sheer dumb luck can account for a human’s survival in any human vs. bear scenario. Had the more probable outcome occurred, we’d all be laughing about the idiot TKD black belt who darwinized himself trying to fight a bear.

An MTer would be smart enough to say, “fuck that!” and run like hell.

No human could survive an intentioned grizzly bear attack.

What a shitty thread title. How is anyone supposed to know what this thread is about?

Here I though this was another useless “www.blahlhbal” thread. Thought “someone has not been paying attention.”


Should have went for the arm bar damn it.

Or burnt that fucker to a crisp with street lava… find a highway with glass to wrestle him on.

Better yet, bears only use linear swipes, so JKD principles are the perfect answer

. . . and it turns out it was another useless thread.
