Vague advice doesn't belong in technique threads

look, WhiteShark, I feel like while you are trying to describe your issue here- you understood yourself better.
and I do believe that nobody would help you better than you! But this is def GOOD that you posted it here, because the more you try to type and think- the closer you get to the answer))))

I feel like you want to hear something specific (that you probbly know somewhere), but you hear other things… and you don’t agrree.

WhiteShark, you know what to do, right?

Marital Arts Website Templates

Excised from: The better I get the worse I feel - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

SusanMart, I suggest you read the stickies and familiarize yourself with the site a bit more.


YouTube- Mariko Takahashi’s Fitness Video

This creeps me right the f–k out.

[quote=War Wheel;2377729]POST OF THE YEAR

YouTube- Mariko Takahashi’s Fitness Video[/quote]

I just shot my dog because of you… How could I trust him after seeing that!?

Castle Lineage II-Gracia Final

Castle Lineage II?Gracia Final
Home page:
Official forum:http://bbs.

Server Info
Game server:IBM System x3450
Network:Exclusive bandwidth 30M, share bandwidth 100M, Unlimited
Server load:1200 accounts online at the same time
Game rates: Exp:100x, Adena:300x, Drop:300x

*Release PVP attribute system
*Release Dual-dagger Compound system
*New S84 Vesper weapons, Vesper armors, Vesper jewelries etc
*Release two-in-one skills
*Release Vitality system, Element Attribute system
*All newbie weapons, armors, jewelries, entertainment props, consumables can be
achieved easily in Castle Convenience Store
*Release all accessories, Weapon Enchant system
*Release Wedding system, the IDs of couple are in special color, the couple can teleport to each other, know the condition and position of each other
*Newbie can level up easily, finish all occupational changes at Occupational Change Master more efficiently
*Release new BOSS, dropping weapons and armors of Vesper, Dynast, Infinity series
*Perfect races, all functions of Gracia Final available, skill enhancing, duel system
*All auto-learned skills
*Class and sub-class up to LV85, balanced classes.
*Release hundred kinds of Agathion bracelet
*Complete Demonic Sword Zariche & Blood Sword Akamanah system, Transfiguration system
*Auto resurrection state protection
*Multiple accounts support make your playing easy
*Two weeks a period of Seven Signs system, make special attribute to exchange for equal-grade weapon from Blacksmith of Mammon, selling rare props
*More events and more rewards for you
Castle Lineage II ? Gracia Final the only one SQL server(non-simulator, more stable and more efficient) game have completed for you. Gather your friends and members to enjoy the visual impact and initial touched of Castle Lineage II.