Has anyone heard of the WOMAA (world organization of martial arts athletes). I came across this organization after going to a freestyle Judo National tournament in Kansas City which was a little misleading its self, having only just a few people in any weight class, at a National event I was expecting more than 50 people.After hearing about these badass world champions from this club in Kansas City (Welcome Mat) went over to Ireland and came back as WORLD CHAMPIONS in submission grappling I decided to check it out. I found out that these 3 people from the Kansas City club got 3 medals each and only had 2-5 matches total and they are on the internet calling themselves World Champions for Submission Grappling, One of them only had one other person in their class. I have read a lot about the club Welcome Mat of Kansas City and it seems to have a history of some descent athletes but this whole World Champion thing really makes the club look bad. Real World Champions earn their title’s and I’m pretty sure have more than one or two matches to win them. These people that are going around saying they are World Champs really need to come back to reality and go compete in some real tournaments and maybe that might teach them what real submission grappling is.
Please post your thoughts on Fake people like this
some divisions like gallo often have 2-3 competitors or even just 1 competitor in some instances in even large IBJJF tournaments.
Every big tournament organization seems to have their own “world Championship”
for example, NAGA has a “world championship” tournament and the turn out isn’t much more than the turnouts for other NAGAs.
Its stretching it to call themselves “world champions” and are probably just using the title to market the school.
You, who are in the know, go to your own school anyway, but a noob is easily fooled into signing up after hearing words like “world champion”, “international fighters” etc
Lots of martial arts tournaments promote themselves as being very elite so that they seem more prestigious. For example, I recently competed in stickfighting at the San Diego Grand Internationals tournament. The tournament was full of kids doing XMA, goofy point sparring, a pretty sloppy looking grappling division, and some genuinely cool stuff. Anyway, since I got a gold in stickfighting, I could probably call myself “international stickfighting champion”, but all I did was win a few matches, none of which had fighters from outside the US (the only international competitors I noticed at the tournament were limalama guys from Mexico). Mostly though, the individuals are more to blame than the fancy tournament title. They should know that it’s lame to promote yourself as a world champion because you beat two guys at grappling in front of a few dozen people.
SO I am looking at this club as you say is from the kansas city area… looks like they are very proud of these world champions as you can see on the home page of the website! I also looked at this WOMAA… looks like it is a family vaction doing kata around the world, not sure where grappling come in. But they also say they have national champion Judo players… http://www.welcomematjudoclub.com/
It list the names of these people that are world champions but I fail to see any qualifications. AAU Judo champions. nothing else (USA JUDO, IJF).
Does anyone on here know about this or have more details??? Or is it BullShido all together??
[QUOTE=Permalost;2548260]Lots of martial arts tournaments promote themselves as being very elite so that they seem more prestigious. For example, I recently competed in stickfighting at the San Diego Grand Internationals tournament. The tournament was full of kids doing XMA, goofy point sparring, a pretty sloppy looking grappling division, and some genuinely cool stuff. Anyway, since I got a gold in stickfighting, I could probably call myself “international stickfighting champion”, but all I did was win a few matches, none of which had fighters from outside the US (the only international competitors I noticed at the tournament were limalama guys from Mexico). Mostly though, the individuals are more to blame than the fancy tournament title. They should know that it’s lame to promote yourself as a world champion because you beat two guys at grappling in front of a few dozen people.[/QUOTE]
The difference here is clearly you know that its not legit… where as these people appear to make the illusion of greatness!
I would love to see these guys fight ANYONE in a USA Judo tournament. If they are as good as they say they are, they should have no problem with any of the top 10 ranked guys in their weight divisions in USA Judo. They are WORLD CHAMPIONS in judo, so it should be easy for them. Yet, you will probably never see them fight in a tournament other than a bogus one (WOMAA) or a local one. Clearly they fight recreationally, yet have the egos of someone who can actually fight. By saying they are “world champions” and boasting about it, they are insulting anyone who actually IS a world champion in Judo, Jits, or Grappling. Put on your big boy pants and fight someone who is actually GOOD!!
You could try to find them on facebook. If you go the the Welcome Mat website their names are on there. Or you could just Google SUPER BADASS WORLD CHAMPIONS
This is why I like Judo. There is only one world champion in each weight class every two years and an Olympic champion every 4. Very easy to follow and makes it hard to claim anything else.
I dislike the notion in BJJ of WC at blue and purple. Brown I can understand and well BB WC is well BB WC at the Mundails.
Karate and TKD were the same as far as WC go. Hell I was considered one when we had a tournament at TKD BB camp because there was a guy from England there and it made the tourney international. I will never say I was one because I know it was only in the org. I was in and not truly a WC TKD tournament.
[QUOTE=jujitsu turtle;2548560]You could try to find them on facebook. If you go the the Welcome Mat website their names are on there. Or you could just Google SUPER BADASS WORLD CHAMPIONS[/QUOTE]
It gets better, they also invented their own judo game! The website is very informative.
I have come to think that people that say they are world champions in a sport that has real world championships have a real self confidence issue, I guess they need to tell others that they won something they did not win to make themselves feel better about themselves. People like this have what I call “big fish in a small pond” symdrome. If they need to call themselves something that they are not let them because they are the ones that have to carry around with them the truth about what they really are, small time club people that don’t have the skills to compete in a tournament where they would have more than 2 people in the same class as them. I wish people would educate themselves about judo,jujitsu.submission grappling so that when weaklings like this say they are World Champions they can be put in their place. It seems that this Welcome Mat Judo club needs to go compete in some real tournaments instead of just making up their own that no one goes to and compete against real athletes not just the ones you would find at a family outing like the WOMAA judo world championships
Not to be contrarian, but where does anyone put the line for a ‘world’ championship? World series and similar names for national sporting events are thick here in the States.
That said, yes it’s whack. They’re doing PR, but being deceptive, somewhat. At the same time, kickboxing/krotty/etc ‘world champs’ number in the hundreds or in the thousands. Too many promo’s and no belt/title ‘refs’ to draw lines on what’s local/regional/national/intra-national/international, what affects the world, and what affects the Chicken-foot-creek, Missouri high school varsity team.
Look at this WOMAA website http://www.womaa1.com/teamamericama.html
besides having crap everwhere and not being able to tell if you are coming or going on this POS… look what is NEW!!! FREESTYLE JUDO… this is the made up version of Judo from this Welcome Mat Club… and guess who will win this NEW EVENT??? More world champs are being made as we speak! LOL
This is comical and has been somewhat fun looking at on the internet. I am sorry for people that might be lead to think this is legit. But really I cant stop laughing at how silly it all is.
Anyone from Kansas City on here? Would love to hear local tales!!
the only U.S. Martial Arts Competition Team authorized to represent the United States
each year at the W.O.M.A.A. World Martial Games
ok , that’s pretty rich.
[SIZE=2][B]If you would like to host a WOMAA Continuous Fighting World Title, International Title or National Title Belt match, contact Mr. Bruce Smith at WOMAA Hdqtrs for info, application, sanctioning fees, and belt costs.
email: womaa@intercom.net, womaa1@gmail.com
The World Title Belts are very Large and Heavy and will be something to treasure for along time.
Become a TRUE World Champion and wear one of these:[/B][/SIZE]
I did a little internet searching and found out who these people are. They train at Welcome Mat Judo in Kansas city like I have stated before but I found some videos of the WORLD CHAMPIONS at work in some tournaments and I think I would be embarrassed to call myself a WORLD CHAMPION if I had these videos out on the net. There names are Jake Pursley, Derrick Darling and Josh Henges so if you go to youtube and type in Welcome Mat Judo or their names you can watch these badasses. HAHAHAHAHA
[QUOTE=Lindz;2548952]I’m bored, so please elaborate.[/QUOTE]
In the old days when they didn’t have the interweb to construct their Net Fame, you just got them on top of a platform and dueled, hopefully to the death, until the right guy was left standing (or alive).
Good late afternoon everyone… you know this is like watching a car wreck, you cant help to keep looking… So I found some more on the wonderful world wide web. http://athleticsponsorsneeded.com/
but my favorite is the video http://athleticsponsorsneeded.com/Video.aspx
Love the nicknames. The one kid Josh looks pretty slick. But this “American Pitbull” looks like he fights “The Fist” his team mate in one match and one other guy… and I notice that one picture of him with his hand raised there is no one on the other side! LOL
And of course you have to look at their resume http://athleticsponsorsneeded.com/Athletes.aspx
Impressive!!! (I like the fact that there might have only been one or two people in a weight class and now you are a National Judo Champion?)
But to my point already, so we have the names of these people… anyone (there are a ton of people in Judo and Jiu Jitsu on here) ever heard of any of these tiltles or anything??
Oh, by the way you can sponsor them if you would like!! HAHAHAHAHA