Un American news

They grow sugar cane in Lithuania?

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Molasses flavouring?

Two 12 gauge blanks to the chest. How very stupid and ignorant Mr Ritchie.

Poor guy

Hope insurance takes care of his fam

Yeah. I am kind of wondering how silly some of these movie set gun people are.

Coroner? Threw it straight on the production for being dickheads. They will get paid out.

Ok I take it all back

** Russians back off after Irish fishermen vow to disrupt war games**

(Russians back off after Irish fishermen vow to disrupt war games)


Fuckin A.



Dose boys got swagger

Odd. Not a mention of any of the organizations contained herein.

Nor a mention of the history of interaction and conflict of same.The Palestinian government is thoroughly corrupt and has held their people hostage to their hatred.

No mention of overtures made over the decades by Israel and rejected by the leaders of Palestine. It’s an ugly picture when viewed from any angle.

Amnesty are not pro terrorist

Yes. I am lazy. Wiki article.

I’d offer the titles of some books on the topic but you can’t be bothered to read the articles you link.

Would you say Israeli abuses are justifiable because there is corruption in Palestine?

Netenyahu is as corrupt as any of them

Are you saying Amnesty is pro terrorist?