UK Court Refuses Man's Demand for Trial by Combat

A man in the UK has demanded the local DVLA office nominate a champion to fight him to the death over a vehicle licensing issue. This man deserves a title.

[QUOTE=The Cap;2810039]

A man in the UK has demanded the local DVLA office nominate a champion to fight him to the death over a vehicle licensing issue. This man deserves a title.[/QUOTE]

Cheapskate of the Month?

That’s truly one of the most awesome things I’ve read in a long time.

They get to choose their champion right?? Well then :

[QUOTE=The Cap;2810039]

A man in the UK has demanded the local DVLA office nominate a champion to fight him to the death over a vehicle licensing issue. This man deserves a title.[/QUOTE]

Not if he thought he’d lose. He’d likely back down soon enough - “Oh, I didn’t mean it, I was only joking!” - yeah, that’s what they say when they realise that they’ve made a BIG mistake.

title of what, timewaster? he ended up paying 300 pounds for a 25 pound ticket. what a loller.