OK - a tenuous link to a (non) strenuous MA. This dude is just too awesome. This is the first time I’ve seen a yellow bamboo reference in mainstream australian media.
Mind you IP folks.
OK - a tenuous link to a (non) strenuous MA. This dude is just too awesome. This is the first time I’ve seen a yellow bamboo reference in mainstream australian media.
Mind you IP folks.
[QUOTE=Hexe;2668268]OK - a tenuous link to a (non) strenuous MA. This dude is just too awesome. This is the first time I’ve seen a yellow bamboo reference in mainstream australian media.
Mind you IP folks.[/QUOTE]
Hey Hexe, where’s the link? I wouldn’t mind having a chuckle.
Man I’m sorry - I need sleep …lil’ daughter all-nighters is prepping me for Gitmo and Orange jammies.
My bad, here it is:
[QUOTE=Hexe;2668283]Man I’m sorry - I need sleep …lil’ daughter all-nighters is prepping me for Gitmo and Orange jammies.
My bad, here it is:
haha, I know the feeling!
Wow, and he lives on the outskirts of Brisvegas, I wonder if we can coax him into civilisation to teach us some of the D34dly! hahaha
On a side note, why you would ever agree to pay upfront fees to an equity raiser I do not know…
[QUOTE=Hexe;2668283]Man I’m sorry - I need sleep …lil’ daughter all-nighters is prepping me for Gitmo and Orange jammies.
My bad, here it is:
So he’s not an actual Hedge fund manager, he’s just your common or garden bullshitter.
Don’t besmirch the name of genuine hedge fund managers with this fraudster it plays into the hands of the anti-capitalist lunatics who are seeking to abuse the current down turn to advance their own world destroying communist agenda.
All right thinking people need to resist the noxious poison of the socialist deception and no quarter can be given in the vital fight against the fascistic collectivism of the left.
[QUOTE=judoka_uk;2668293]So he’s not an actual Hedge fund manager, he’s just your common or garden bullshitter.
Don’t besmirch the name of genuine hedge fund managers with this fraudster it plays into the hands of the anti-capitalist lunatics who are seeking to abuse the current down turn to advance their own world destroying communist agenda.
All right thinking people need to resist the noxious poison of the socialist deception and no quarter can be given in the vital fight against the fascistic collectivism of the left.[/QUOTE]
But he’s not to be trifled with, he has “over ten years internet experience”.
Hahaha, what a knob.
*Edit: but yes, despite claiming to be a pioneer of the hedge fund industry, he is in fact an equity fund manager, supposedly.
Managing Director
Alvin was one of the founding pioneers of the hedge fund industry and was involved in launching some of the first hedge funds in Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.
Alvin is an international investment banking, finance, IT, sales, marketing, property expert, philanthropist and author of the bestselling sales and marketing book “Make More Money NOW”. Alvin is also the co author with Deepak Chopra and Mark Victor Hansen of the number 1 mega best seller “Wake up and live the life you love”.
Alvin has over 20 years international entrepreneur business experience at the CEO level and over 10 years internet experience. As the general manager for a division of a large financial institution he took them from a market share of 1% and 26th out of 28 places to a 15% market share and number 1 place within 90 days of beginning his assignment. In addition, he was one of the founding pioneers of the hedge fund industry.
Alvin is also a past consultant/faculty member for most of the world’s largest management institutes including the American Management Association and the National Management Association in the USA, Management Center Europe in Belgium, IMI in Dublin, OPWZ in Vienna, ZFU in Zurich, IEP of Amsterdam, APM of Bangkok, RAYMA in Kuala Lumpur, APM in South Africa and LPMB in Jakarta.
He has lectured/consulted to top level executives from major international corporations such as ABB, Alcatel, ATT, Avon, Bank Central Asia, Barclays, Bisnis Indonesia, Canon, Citibank, Digital Equipment, DSM, Dupont, ERA, Garuda, Guinness, Hawaiian Tropic, Hilton, IBM, ITT, Johnson & Johnson, John Robert Powers, Kimberly Clark, Kraft Jacobs, MasterCard, Mazda, Merck, Nestle, Occidental, Otis, Proctor & Gamble, Prudential, Radio Bisnis Jakarta, Rekayasa, Sasol, Samsung, Sony, Suchard,Sumitomo, 3M, TNT, Wall Street Institute, Wella, Winterthur and Xerox.
He has been featured on many radio and TV shows worldwide and is regarded as an expert in sales, marketing, media, publicity, internet marketing, branding, startups, investment banking and strategic alliances.
Email: donovan@epfundspc.com
Phone: +61 415810958
Phone: 0415 810 958
Skype: alvindonovan
Linkedin: http://au.linkedin.com/in/alvindonovan
[QUOTE=cualltaigh;2668301]But he’s not to be trifled with, he has “over ten years internet experience”.
Hahaha, what a knob.[/QUOTE]
Exactly dude, listen to this guy, He’s totally Gordon Gekko, because the BBC says so.
Despite him actually being a one man band operating out of his bedroom, he’s totally a master of the universe.
So he’s a make-believe trader in addition to being a make-believe martial artist. Sweet.
I’ve dug a bit and found Yellow gold. This is the blog mentioned in the article above that “Dr” Alvin authored.
Yellow Bamboo - Balinese White Magic
By Dr Alvin G. Donovan III
(Yellow Bamboo is a Balinese White Magic type of Martial Art and Spiritual practice that are becoming more well known in the West the last couple of years. This article by Dr Alvin G. Donovan III, a Yellow Bamboo Master, gives a personal first-hand report about how he first got to know about this system)
I must admit I have always been a sceptic when it comes to magic or the supernatural.
Notice how close his misspelling is to “septic”. Ah, the Universe and its grand jokes.
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2669573]I’ve dug a bit and found Yellow gold. This is the blog mentioned in the article above that “Dr” Alvin authored.
Yellow Bamboo - Balinese White Magic
By Dr Alvin G. Donovan III
Notice how close his misspelling is to “septic”. Ah, the Universe and its grand jokes.[/QUOTE]
Hahaha, when I read about the full moon initiation I couldn’t help but think he was actually at a full-moon party in Koh Phangan and tripping balls. It would actually explain a lot.
We agreed to go to the next full moon initiation ceremony to be held at the Yellow Bamboo headquarters in Singaraja on the north coast of Bali.
I’m friends with the two gentlemen in the video who choke out the Yellow Bamboozlers on the beach. The fat fuck is Alvin Donovan:
I sent the link to them, and I’ll report back on their incoherant swearing.
[QUOTE=Chili Pepper;2669697]The fat fuck is Alvin Donovan[/QUOTE]
I’ve been corrected - the fat guy was actually a student, who they went gentle on since they were trying to help him see the light. Donovan dodged the whole thing.
They’re on it, and to quote “There’s no author listed, but I’m on this like a pit-bull on a poodle.” More updates to follow.
Sorry, don’t mean to derail this, but was there any specific reason for Mr. Grapply to call the YB guys “losers” to the camera at the end? Former history of bad blood or did their fairy tale martial art just really get on his nerves?
[QUOTE=Shawarma;2670396]Sorry, don’t mean to derail this, but was there any specific reason for Mr. Grapply to call the YB guys “losers” to the camera at the end? Former history of bad blood or did their fairy tale martial art just really get on his nerves?[/QUOTE]
It’s the classic retort to a bunch of self-proclaimed mind killing psychic masters who can’t actually use physical skills of any kind to defend themselves from getting, literally and verbally, the sand kicked in their faces.
[QUOTE=Shawarma;2670396]Sorry, don’t mean to derail this, but was there any specific reason for Mr. Grapply to call the YB guys “losers” to the camera at the end? Former history of bad blood or did their fairy tale martial art just really get on his nerves?[/QUOTE]
The latter - it’s how you get the taste of bullshit out of your mouth. Donovan came on the old rec.martial-arts newsgroup and was touting his astounding psychic powers, and saying that disbelievers were always welcome to come to Bali and try their luck. Not wanting to also try their luck in a Balinese jail for beating up on the locals, there were no takers.
So, a few of the rma’ers in Australia managed to set up a little beach-side test of the YB’ers powers, and this was the result. The grapplers were nice enough to teach the YB’ers about how tapping out worked beforehand.