U U U U U I Can't Be Bothered To Type "You"

for those who don’t know, Engrish/japlish is what happens when the japanese put badly translated or misunderstood english phrases onto things. they do this a lot, as japanese advertisers seem to consider the odd little piece of english to be a mark of quality.

some of my favourite examples include a pencil case with cats on it under the slogan CATS KNOW VARIOUS THINGS

and a tshirt with the slogan: Crocodile Profusion (wtf?)

Enjoy: http://www.tokyotales.com/blog/japlish/index.php

thanks for making 3 threads about the same thing

On Adam & Jo go tokyo, they found a T-Shirt which says “George! Clapton?”

Makes you wonder what all the kanji and what not say on our stuff.

yeah, i thought, this is so good, i’ll put it up in triplicate, so nobody misses it.

or maybe that was a computer error and fuck all to do with me, dumbass

actually, there’s a good kanji one as well, i cant find the link at the moment, but there was a guy visiting japan who wanted “budo” or “warrior” or some shit and when he got home a guy in a store told him he had “princess” on the back of his neck instead.

haha awesome!

That reminds me actually, a friend of a friend had a kanji tattoo done over here and then they asked an asian guy what it meant. He confirmed it didn’t mean, love or peace or harmony or any of the things she thought it meant, but instead it was the character for…washing machine.



youll fit in well round here

Fun stuff.

But Engrish.com pwns all . . .

^ ha. that site has now officially taken top priority in the rest of my day at work.

hmm, somebody from the management appears to have accidentally slipped and hit the trollhole switch…