Spot the badly written bias.
"CONTROVERSIAL boxer Mike Tyson is predicting a blood-fest when a brutal sport arrives in Manchester.
Rules are limited and the only things not allowed are eye-gouging, kicks to the groin, head butting or stamping on an opponent’s head. It is a huge hit in the US.
The British Medical Association has called for more research into the sport to establish the dangers. Donald Campbell, a Harley Street consultant neurosurgeon, has called cage fighting “grotesque” and compared it to dog fighting.
Tyson, who once infamously bit off part of Evander Holyfield’s ear during a boxing bout, said: “I love cage fighting, we can’t get enough of it over here in the States, people are going crazy for it. The UK is going to take to this with open arms.”
I like how they stick in that bit about the ear to point out his bloodthirsty nature.
“You’re going to see some blood, it might get gory. It’s not for the weak to watch.”
Although this is a similar article to the other “MMA is bad” ones, I like this one for the blatant bias against MMA - there’s not on redeeming point made in the whole article - but also in its constant reiteration of the blood and gore involved. People will eat up gory movies and the papers don’t condemn that, but get two guys at it and suddenly it’s all bad. The “100% determination” comment is only slight - why can’t there be more articles praising the fact that not everyone wants to sit on a sofa getting fat and that in today’s world where a lack of ambition and education are considered almost desirable and strife and success are for pansies, there are people with the determination to train incredibly hard for a long period of time and fight to achieve their goals?
I honestly loathe the way newspapers condemn martial arts as a violent bloodfest if the story relates it to a criminal or a pervert on the run, but as soon as someone - usually female, or a nice looking young boy - defeats a real bad guy, suddenly they’re kung-fu heroes and MA are for everyone.