Typical trollshido thread!

Somebody sent me a PM on youtube regarding my Unofficial Karate Sucks Month video.
(can be viewed here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdN-UtL5VuU

The message was:

								From: 								 							 							 								<a href="http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=midknighttiger187">midknighttiger187</a>

“You are a typical bullshido asshole. You hide behind a screen name, you have zero videos, and you are disrespectful to the arts. The world does not like cowards like you, and you couldn’t beat any of the martial artist you make fun of. You feel like a big man hiding behind that keyboard too. If you are not a pussy, prove us wrong and FIGHT one of us. Where is your gym? I fucking dare you to show us your face too. All we need is your name and where your gym is located.

I have no idea who this guy is, but apparently he has some huge feud going on with Bullshido. Here are some of his videos:


I took the time to send him a reply:

"First of all, I was a karate student for over half a year before I quit. I spent more than enough time training in karate to realize the fact that I was waisting my time. And in case you did not get the memo, an overwhelming majority of karate schools are bullshido-riden messes that exist only to leech money from unsuspecting students. Neither me nor bullshido have ever said that ALL karate sucks, check the original “karate sucks month” article if you don’t believe me, but if you deny the fact that most karate is bullshit then I have no reason to cater to somebody that has failed to do the most basic of research before sending threats to people on the internet. I have done my homework, you obviously, have not.

Now before you come storming into my dojo, I want to see you counter my argument with a reasonable response. I will not cater to you unless you prove me wrong. Give me a good reason to believe that you are right and I am wrong and I will be glad to send you the website to my dojo. Directions will be included."

So, would anybody here care to educate me on who this guy is and why he hates Bullshido so much?

MKT is a known troll group. I wouldn’t waste your time responding to them.

Oy vey, Sifu Milt…

Here you go, brother


It’s sad to see people reacting that way.
I like karate. I spent 3 years training in Shotokan, longer than I have in any other tradition. I have a brown belt in it. Even though I’m not training in it currently, I consider myself a karateka when it comes to striking.
And damn, did I love the karate sucks video. It was, in my opinion, the best one yet.

lol i <3 youtube ninjas

This is a troll group posing as uncle Milty trying to get a rise out of any Bullshido members.

This crowd have been doing this for a while now. I believe that senior members here have confirmed that the guys doing the troll work are not associated with Milt.

I like how embedding was disabled before I even got to see the vids.

I had a back and forth w/ midnighttiger187 or whatever, they aren’t very good. They replied several times, then just continued trolling vids, that I’d posted.

Clumsy, and coming from me, a clumsyninja, that’s saying something.

I got an thing from some other youtube account, saying it’s not the real Milt, just some student. Could also be them, who knows? I don’t. Who cares, in fact…I don’t.

MT has been threatening to come to throwdowns…but never showed…just some larptastic goons with too much time, or a co-ordinated effort to piss us off, or prove us stoopeed.

I loved that Krotty sucks highlight…you had some really magical moments in there…including one of my favorite leg pwnings…the muay thai guy, kicks that dude to the floor many times…superb.

I heard that those guys called you dorks.

Great… i thought it was hilarious that Milton Wallace was responding to his own crappy videos, but alas, the truth is a little heartbreaking.

yep, I cried


they’re the dorks!!!

lemme at’em!!!

From: midknighttiger187

“Listen up Mr. Disrespectful:
The point isn’t whether you think or agree that Karate is good or not. The fact that you disrespect the art by publicly bashing it is 100% disrespectful to the art. I don’t study Karate, but I do teach Muay Thai, Jujitsu, Escrima, and Wing Chun. I am also a 4th Degree Black Belt in Kempo and I have my own MMA school and fight team. I may not particularly agree with everything in other martial art styles, but I don’t go around bashing them because I may not agree. I show respect for all martial arts because you never know what someone may know. I have traveled all over the world studying martial arts, and I have most likely seen a lot more than you. I’ll tell you what, how about you go back to your old Karate school and fight the toughest Karate person there. Get it on film and prove what you say is true about ALL Karate. That shouldn’t be so hard considering you are such a bad ass, and you believe Karate sucks. I lived in Japan for 6 years, and I have seen many Karate guys there who would probably kick your ass in seconds. They were some tough motherfuckers too. Option number 2: You give me the address of your school along with your name, and I will bring some of my guys over from my fight team. We would prefer to fight 3 five minute rounds FULL MMA rules. If we beat you fair and square, you apologize to the entire martial arts world and REMOVE that ridiculous video. You are showing your ignorance by claiming you can beat any Karate person! As you can see, I am not hiding my face from anyone. Most bullshido members have no videos and refuse to show their face to the world. You want to talk shit to the world, grow a fucking pair of balls and show us what you can do. I have set up fights with bullshido people who hide behind scree names and the NEVER show up. They look like the biggest pussies in the world when they do that. So what type of bullshido person are you going to be? You already have NO videos on your site, and I still don’t know your name. Lets see what you got.
Sifu M Wallace”

And my reply:

"I stated in my previous reply that not all karate is bad. I do not know why you are trying to make a point about karateka out there being able to “kick my ass in seconds”, I know this is true from personal experience. I said it before, NOT ALL KARATE IS BAD, JUST MOST OF IT.

Now let me go out of my way to tell you why your “no questions asked” mentality is far more damaging to the martial arts than my video is. It is because of people like YOU sir, that bullshit scam artists can set up fraudulent dojos. These give students a false sense of security that will get them KILLED. You have failed to mention anything about these kinds of people in your reply, even though I requested that you do so. Why do you respect these types of people? Why are you defending liars and thieves? If I were like you I would still be doing katas to prove my fighting ability. I’m sorry, but a martial artist should EARN their respect. Your mentality is HEAVILY flawed. Not only that but you deem it necessary to threaten people who make fun of these fraudulent scam artists. You need to re-evaluate your view on all of this.

As for sending a fight team after me, this also makes no sense to me. From what you said, you teach MMA and have a fight team. Well guess what buddy, I train in BJJ, and would take up Muay Thai were it available to me. The point is, why are you going to send legit MMA guys to prove the point that KARATE scam artists need to be respected? If you want to prove a point, get Coda Scott or some other McDojo master over here to kick my ass. Your logic is heavily flawed in almost every single one of your points.

Last of all big boy, I have spared higher ranking students and dominated them at my old karate McDojo. That experience rang a bell in my head. I don’t care if you have more experience than me in martial arts, I learned the truth from my own personal experience. Your flawed logic is not going to change that. But as for yourself, you need a reality check of your own."

well the same thing can be said with him… he said typical bullshido asshole. does that mean we should send a fight team to his dojo? maybe with guns instead of MA, like they are doing with MMA and karate

sifu milt might punch hard being that hes a big fellow, but the fact that he has no hip rotation ( at least in that vid) severely limits the amount of power he’s capable of generating. he’d do well to join a boxing gym and stop being all arm

he was leaning big time, into those punches…I’m still not sure it’s actually him though…no new vids really, just old footage.

i was drinking milk, and i shot it out of my nose when i watched it. cliche. but worth it.