"Trying to reclaim martial arts' original intent: to live a God-centered lifestyle"

Right, since you asked, I will provide it.

WARNING!! Long-Ass tangent post to provide evidence requested. Skim ye not interested.


LOL. That’s hilarious!! All religions before Judeaism practiced killing the first born… BWAHAHHAHAHA. What a retarded claim.

You must spread some more Reputation around before you offer it to JohnnyCache again.

Nice one, Doc X…I haven’t read half of that since Seminary.


Apologies for the verbosity, but after the fourteenth time of engaging a fundamentalist who believes the world is only 10,000 years old and “every word is TRUE” in the Bible, I started saving my responses. One has to spell it out in excruciating detail after pages of “you are taking it out of context.” I cannot tell you how many have claimed “devotion to destruction” somehow means “not getting killed!”

I was surprised at how pervasive the tradition that Isaac actually got killed is. Samurai Steve gives a taste of the commentary–Speigel’s work is full of it.

Anyways . . . to bring this back to The Topic . . . what was it . . . oh yeah . . . this is the problem with trying to artificially apply belief systems to everything. These people start with the “Bible Good!” then move to “if good must be in Bible?” “What would Jesus do?” I think another poster put it somewhere HERE as, “get the snot kicked out of him then get nailed to something for a few hours until Daddy gets him down!”

The funny thing is those who try to “find” a religion in the martial arts is they want to find the “good” stuff–not the negative and nasty stuff. Junior does quite a bit of nasty stuff. Why not do that? Start cursing trees that offend you and denying salvation to everyone on the planet . . . just . . . because they were not “born from above!”

Ascends soapbox. . . .

But is this not part and parcell of the dilution of martial arts? I pontificated somewhere about how it seems, to me, that BJJ had avoided it . . . then I read in horror the thread about becoming qualified to teach it in a week! Nothing is so good that it cannot be exploited!

Yes . . . I have practiced with martial artists with “fish” on their gis. They complained that we made contact in POINT SPARING!!

As others have put it, this gives adherents who also practice a martial art a bad name.

Is their a religious way to shoot someone? Just as I write that, I get a vision of “Hillary Fay” from Saved! blowing away potential rapists with a nice pattern. It is a wonderful vision . . . let me dwell on it a moment [Get on with it!–Ed.]

The problem with all of this is unsuspecting students want to believe such crapolla is a martial art.

Slips off of soap box . . . runs away crying about how his ankle hurts. . . .


Heh. A buddy of mine asked a great question about biblical literalism:

If you believe in literal creation, and the tale of the flood, how do you explain indians and animals in north and south america?

Flood+Arc+ararat+no landbridge+10,000 old earth+no evolution=how the fuck can there be pre biblical humans and a wide variety of animals in the americas? And austrailia for that matter?

cause god made it that way.


They sailed there after the flood, obviously, and brought all the animals with them.
Where they got all these unique species from is a different matter.

Funny… I was imagining Hillary Fay blowing me.

I asked my girlfriend (Netherlands Reformed) that exact same question and her response was that the theory about a singular mass of continents was correct; but it only took them a few thousand years to drift apart.

I told her that she’s wacky.


She never heard of an earthquake.

Anyways, on ANOTHER BOARD [Boo. Hiss.–Ed.] a poster with “sweet physics-skills” sat down and figured out the volume of water necessary to satisfy the “easiest” Flood Myth–since there be two. He basically demonstrated that the rate of rain fall was a “water hammer” that would have flattened mountain ranges–not to mention any fool in a boat! He then asked “where” all the water came from and “where” it went.

Another started to calculate the amount of shit generated by the beasties every day to determine whether or not it was possible for Noah and His Merry Men to, literally, dig themselves out of it. Answer: no.

Just as Bullshidoists make excuses gallor no matter how strong the evidence against them, some started squirming that “the animals were shrunk” or “it became the Ort Cloud!” [“Cloud” of comets very, very, very, very far away from Earth.–Ed.]

I just ask them who carried the Ebola virus. . . .

Ala JohnnyCache’s comment: how did the platypus find his way to Metsopotamia and back from Australia. Fast running little beasty, no?

“God did it” become the cry just as “you musta done the technique wrong” after the 350 lbs of sociopath grabs your wrist, rips your arm off, then beats you with it!


[Edited to redact to the Textus Recepticus.–Ed.]

According to born-again instructors, it is their Christian duty to equip their students with the skills to protect themselves physically and the discipline to use those skills judiciously so that they can fulfill their responsibilities to God spiritually.

Be afraid… they’re training soldiers for the upcoming crusade.

There is a cheesy but hilarious independent horror film Polish Vampire in Burbank in which a vampire beaten up by a woman who is a member of “Judo for Jesus.”
