Wow, when I first started reading this I thought you were all talking about Tommy Gunz from my gym. This guy’s story is almost identical. There must be some sort of a secret book with guidelines and claims you have to make in order to be a modern day superhero, while at the same time making yourself sound like an obvious lunatic. One thing I noticed is that his myspace page says he graduated in 1984 from HS. Him doing anything for 20 years would take him to 2004. Unless he held multiple government jobs at once, which may be possible with his superhero powers, he is obviously full of it.
“In 1998, I was inducted into the United Martial Artists Black Belt Hall of Fame, and in 2004, I was inducted into the Action Martial Arts Magazine’s Black Belt Hall of Fame.”
Has anyone asked for proof of this?
Most likely not worth it – most Black Belt Halls of Fame are “nominate yourself pay the fee” programs. But if you read the entire thread, I seem to remember he did give a page number of a magazine where his membership was supposedly listed.
“Wow, when I first started reading this I thought you were all talking about Tommy Gunz from my gym. This guy’s story is almost identical. There must be some sort of a secret book with guidelines and claims you have to make in order to be a modern day superhero, while at the same time making yourself sound like an obvious lunatic. One thing I noticed is that his myspace page says he graduated in 1984 from HS. Him doing anything for 20 years would take him to 2004. Unless he held multiple government jobs at once, which may be possible with his superhero powers, he is obviously full of it.”
I already posted this once but it seems that it was removed and there was a reply saying that I needed to read the whole thread next time. I did not see any explanation for the account of lack in time for his claims to be true in the link you provided. Sorry if I posted this twice, but I’m still not clear on alot of the technical aspects of this site. How was my post removed? and why? It appears that it was Tom Kagan that did it. Could somone please explain this to me.
Read the entire thread maybe.
Maybe read the stickies.
They explain the rules about posting things in various forums,
and what is appropriate, and what is not.
PM function fellas, watch as most of these posts get removed. If you aren’t sure PM your question to the Mod removing your posts.
Look at the bottom of the Mods post and click PM or go to forum Profile.
Culled yet again from:
Now that I see your first and second post together I understand why it was culled.
- HOF question already answered and being investigated.
- Super human comment unnecessary. One of his life saving stories is true.
- Lunatic comment unnecessary. He has certs proving his rank whether the look real or not.
- Action HOF is being investigated.
Basically, the first three posts are repeats that were unnecessary and proved you chose not to read the entire thread.
If that is the case, then wait for the summary.