Synopsis: Tired of rising street crime on the deadly streets of New Boston, one man learns the deadly secrets of Wing Chun Kung Fu, and defeats all kinds of criminal gun men and judo punks.
In a world where Bruce Lee nuthugging has run rampant, one man must return the chun to it’s roots.
By getting a sex change.
Ving Tsun: The Way of the (sort of) Woman Warrior
Coming soon to a theater near you.
stop shiting in this forum.
Oh, do not judge so quickly. This is a secret spoiler from the movie:
The main character, a transvestite named Robert-a, comes across a gang of rapists.
Robert-a: Ah! Rapists! Don’t make me go center-line theory on your asses!
Gang member 1: Dudes, let’s get out of here, this guy’s nuts! And he’s dressed like a woman!
Your mother.
welllll, since you put it that way.
I think they should go all out with this film. I’m thinking director: Uwe Boll. Lead actor(ess): Ben Affleck. The main villain, a judoka trying to get home from his job at a factory to see his wife and children(which puts him at odds with Affleck’s character.)
Fixed that for you. Now it’s a short film.