wow a web warrior. I live in west plains mo. can do friendly throwdown any time. I would like to attend classes a little longer before I do serious competition but youll do just fine for me a tune up match. If you can tell a boxer is boxing or if someone is using BJJ, or Judo, or wresteling for that matter then why cant you tell if someone is using Kung Fu, because most Kung Fu Practitioners have entirely no idea how to use it in a fight If they did you would know when they used it. Knowing something and being able to use it are two different things alltogether. You can know how to box but that doesnt make you a great boxer.
Okay, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt. A throwdown is a friendly gathering of like minded MAers from different styles, coming together to exchange ideas and spar.
Sounds good, sorry you aren’t closer. If you make it to the Atlanta area, look me up (links to contact me and find me on my profile), we can get some video going. In the interim, would you be willing to attend a Throwdown in your area?
If my teacher allows I would love to, it seems to be difficult finding open events that will allow us to compete here in our area. I have never been to one unless, you call getting jumped by 7 or 8 guys a throwdown, I grew up in Phoenix Arizona and that occured often if you had to walk very far and were white. Other than wresteling I have not competed in any controled fighting. Trying to convince my teacher I can I have sparred with friends and kept my cool dont know if its because of my background but he is careful how fast he teaches me. As for me though I’m game.
If your teacher allows it? How old are you? Does he control your life?
LOL @ 1 year of training and talking shit.
Also, for reference, what is your martial experience? (You are over 18 right?)
I get tje feeling that he is not but who knows. I am getting the we are “too deadly” vibe from his posts though.
I figured the mode he dropped into in response to my post inferred he had more than a cursory familiarity with martial arts. This was despite what his position on what fighting looks like would imply. Luckily, there is an easy way to resolve this, come to a Throwdown (again, you are over 18, right?).
ADOC inmate data base #111727
31/2 years in prison fighting for fun and no I’m not talking shit just willing to spar but If I do something my teacher doesnt agree with then cant complete my class and that would be worse than you weak minded individuals running your key board wioth your kindergarten tactics to try to prove your cool WHO CARES THIS IS CYBER SPACE WERE NO LONGER IN GRADE SCHOOL ENOUGH WITH THE PISSING CONTEST
I iz felin,
u gona git przin sechs.
heer mi raorrrr!
A 6’ tall 140 lbs felin at that…you rob someone for crack money?
I’ve got over 100lbs. on this moron,
and he’s talkin smack…
I am where is this throwdown at how often does it takeplace and what are your rules or is there not any. I would love to see how my mantis rates with BJJ . Because my wresteling smokes it.
Oh yes were not too deadly just misunderstood.
Actually I’m 5’3" weigh 185 pounds.
There are so many that we actually have a whole subforum dedicated to them. What kind of wrestling did you do, for how long?
Oh, thats even more amusing,
“We represent the lollipop guild…”
Grecko Roman for about 5 yrs. It might not be as cool as BJJ but it sure is just as formidable with the ground control, still gay looking but not as gay looking as BJJ I would never wrap my legs around another man for any reason what so ever.
But you like being in guard,
don’t you?
your to gay to waste my time with. Period.