Tom doesn’t moderate here it was me.
I can’t tell with all you new faggots running around moving posts. Also, I don’t get why you don’t just delete them instead of sending them to randompostthread in trollshido, that’s just stupid.
ALSO, why is this thread even IN the Kung Fu forum when it obviously belongs (completely, and totally obviously) in YMAS? Why don’t you just move the whole thread there? Or is the CMA forum a haven for BJJ-trolling?
I’m not just trying to harass you here, this just doesn’t make sense to me.
Wow, you really want to be on staff again don’t you? I mean all you do now is troll and tell people how shit should be run. Don’t blame us faggots when you fucked up your staff position. Then you’d know why shit is being done in a manner you don’t like.
Oh, the title is random every post from here has gone there so, it isn’t a random trollshido thread.
I’m not just trying to harass you here, this just doesn’t make sense to me.
Then ignore it like I do you. You choose to troll. That’s your choice but, when you so choose, you can and will make an intelligent point.
If I had of left your little unfunny post you wouldn’t have fleshed it out. Removed trolling posts have led to a fleshed out argument.
I consider a threat of anonymous account deletion a form of harassment.
Wow, you really want to be on staff again don’t you? I mean all you do now is troll and tell people how shit should be run. Don’t blame us faggots when you fucked up your staff position. Then you’d know why shit is being done in a manner you don’t like.
I trolled the mod forum (in a completely harmless way) and JKDBitch banned me, breaking her own rules on banning and staff decisions in the process. Her sandy vagina discharging does not equate to me screwing up. I am not campaigning for a staff position, I am trying to lobby for some reasonable policy ideas in an unreasonable way.
If I had of left your little unfunny post you wouldn’t have fleshed it out. Removed trolling posts have led to a fleshed out argument.
This is true, good call.
I consider a threat of anonymous account deletion a form of harassment.
Yes, but I wouldn’t threaten you with that because this is (I think) the first time YOU have done this to me.
Okay, I knew there was an issue didn’t know it was that serious.
Yes, but I wouldn’t threaten you with that because this is (I think) the first time YOU have done this to me.
This is the only place I have powers. I tend to mod this thread heavier than others because it is right on the precipice.
I’m still learning hopefully getting better.
Tom has no power here. Bwahahahahhahahaha.
Fair enough.
I don’t have moderation privileges in this sub-forum.
Regardless, It’s up to you to contact a moderator privately regarding why you think a post should be put back, not the other way round.
In Soviet Bullshido, troll moderates YOU!
Then it would seem “It is Fake” is the troll in this section.
Don’t worry, I think he still has a special place in his heart for you right here:
You’re shitting up the thread now.
Fair enough. I always try to take such critiques to heart when they are from an expert at shitting up a place.
Flattery will get you everywhere.
What do you expect from a ninja?
Virus has had variations of “BJJ, Judo” for eleventy six thousand years now. How much longer will it take before you finally admit he actually does have “t3h rea1” _razilian _iu _itsu?
When he gets a blue belt.
Actually, he and his ilk serve a purpose: what some here may take for granted remains somewhat exceptional. He’s got the rhetoric down and refutes the particularly idiotic points well.
Considering the subject of these series of threads, the fact that Virus was "post post post"ing in the Styles sub-forums, and the various claims of “t3h r3al” BJJ posters beating down nutridders, it is ironic x3 you describe the words Virus posts as “rhetoric”.
In one post, you’ve proven the points Cullion was trying to get across as having merit regardless of whether Cullion is intentionally being an idiot while trying to make those points.
My post was a joke. I said on another thread I’ve no idea what goes on in most of the subforums here unless their title attracts my attention (this one, to my recollection, split from one about MMA).
Also, look into the denotation of rhetoric; not just the connotation.
Finally, from the handful of times I’ve come across his posts, Virus isn’t out there making inaccurate or inappropriate comments. He’s, from my limited exposure, addressing truly laughable positions and doing so with reasonable and logical points. As to whether or not Virus at all substantiates Cullion’s points is an open question since neither of us know how he trains.
What level in a given style Virus may reach or how he trains is irrelevant to his posting (as it is for any non-CMAer trying to make a point trying to talk some sense into a deluded CMAer). Whatever point made is too far lost in “LOL, <insert generic style Virus is not currently studying>!!!1111111111” to be of substantial use in the styles sub-forums.
Also the denotation of “rhetoric” is the undue use of exaggeration. That is Cullion’s point about some posts from non-CMA people - even if he’s being a dickwad about it.
Note: I added the smiley to my previous post because I did know you were joking. My mock indignation was too vague in my wording to come through in that post.
“That is Cullion’s point about some posts from non-CMA people - even if he’s being a dickwad about it.”
Actually, Cullion repeatedly stated that he resented being lectured to about aliveness by individuals that didn’t incorporate ample takedowns and striking with their bjj. That was his primary strawman, grandted he had other strawmen. As such, Virus’s training is certainly relevant.
Also, does Virus actually post “LOL” type posts? As I said, I really don’t know (or care, I realize he’s a name you’re using to describe a particular phenomenon).
Oh and I meant:
“b : the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion
2 a : skill in the effective use of speech”
for example:
I don’t agree with every little bit of it and it’s a little pedantic but I fail to see what would be so contentious about the post (sure he makes a point of zinging a few generalizations but he also outright says they’re generalizations).
Anyway, I don’t make it a habit of defending ninjas.