I’d kick my foot up your ass, but you’re just too fucking dumb.
I think you need a new gimmick Tom.
And it’s not that this one isn’t fine, I’m saying you need more than one.
I’m glad some of your stuff got trollshidoed so I can ask the question I’ve been wanting to ask you:
At what point do you think you’ll offer a grovelling apology to Harada Sensei the same way you did here? http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showpost.php?p=1371178&postcount=220
I hereby stand corrected and apologize to Rob Redmond of 24 Fighting Chickens of doubting his credentials as a Shotokan practicioner. I take back everything I said about him being a fake and hereby apologize.
Rob, we may not always agree, but I cannot dispute you have attained some degree of expertise by being admitted to the yudansha.
Now, I don’t have any loyalty towards Harada sensei, but you strike me as a whiney prick.
Have a great karate day, dude.
Come to the Grimsby TD and you’ll have your chance.
Quoted from a PM as of today
He’s asked Merry K if he’d like to settle it like men… http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showpost.php?p=1391784&postcount=38
I love living in 17th century England… oh, wait… we don’t… :laughing9
Go on Merry, I’ll bring the popcorn
Could someone please explain what a dreaded internet challenge has to do with no proof?
Thank you sochin. This is why I tried to stay on topic and educate his stupid ass in the Mabs thread.
Yes, I’m the one that reported your dumbass kms. If you want to call someone bullshido prove it with facts. No, name calling isn’t just an opinion it is an insult. Grow the fuck up and learn the difference.
I’m fairly certain I told that cock to STFU or provide proof of his crappy posts a while back…
Notice I said reported. You know the little button at the bottom that calls the mod police.
I’d rather not grass someone up when I can call them a fucking prick directly LOL
Well, we shouldn’t do that in MABS I was hoping they would move the thread or split it. Which has happened. Now we can call him all kind of shitty names and not get banned.
Of course he probably won’t come back becuase he has been shot down twice.
Captain Shitokan saviour of that which isn’t wrong.
Fuck you are a shit stick KMS.:qgreenjum
Point taken on the MABS rules…