What music if you do you listen to when you train???
I like JerryC or C-band now for his speed and yngwie malmsteen is also a favourate, Anything with awsome fast guitars legends in. Stuff like Helloween and children of bodem are also on my Cds.
What music if you do you listen to when you train???
I like JerryC or C-band now for his speed and yngwie malmsteen is also a favourate, Anything with awsome fast guitars legends in. Stuff like Helloween and children of bodem are also on my Cds.
You don’t train you LARP in your backyard. Get it right.
you lied. you told me you were going to kill yourself on youtube.
I’ll just have to tie you to a chair and get out of the blowtorch again.
pl4zM4, not to mention this is wrong forum. Nothing to do with MA BS, mariginally interesting in Training section, Boxer Rebellion stuff at worst. :5bullwhip
Training MA: Difficult to describe, really. It goes ‘tap, tap, tap’, so maybe it’s drum and bass.
At the gym: usually high energy dance music. But that’s not my choice.
I train for a least a hour a day. Thats the correct use of english is it not to train is to improve ones self. ?? Just because im not at a school still does this not mean i should strive myself every day to become better.
I like drum and bass aswell but the fast load stuff. Anything thats fast really is real good.
Nicely done, sir.
Oh man…by “tap, tap, tap” I was referring to people tapping out.
Still, this thread has been sent to hell, so who cares any more?