Missing the Point
I think this guy is a fraud, a salesman with a phrase that he thinks is “catchy” but isn’t - that a bunch of KIDS have bought into.
If you are one of those who cannot read through a Thornton article without gritting your teeth, rolling your eyes heavenward, or throwing your hands into the air in abject frustration, I sympathise. I truly do.
One of my swan songs on Bullshido has always been to not lecture the obvious as novel. Matt Thornton presents the obvious as novel.
However, that is something of which he is very aware. He has repeatedly stated that there are two kinds of reactions to his position that he anticipates from the MA community, and these are:
- Duh!
What he failed to anticipate is the hostility which with many in the “Duh!” crowd would greet “Aliveness” a la Matt Thornton.
Much of that hostility is due to the fact that they perceive his demonstrations and lectures as attacks on THEMSELVES. And this is reasonable, at least, because he does at times fail to emphasise to my satisfaction that he is not the only person who trains people in this fashion. He DOES say so however, just not enough to deflect hostility.
The other problem is that I think many experienced martial artists FAIL COMPLETELY to understand who these presentations are designed for. He is not trying to sell the Straight Blast Gym to YOU! These lectures and demonstrations especially are clearly targeting a very elementary level of understanding. Bearing that in mind, he is providing a very simple and practical message to the interested MA shopper. AND BRAVO!
Why do I cheer him? Isn’t he just selling himself? No. And this is why I think that calling him a fraud is completely ridiculous.
He is detailing a principle. That’s right. He is demonstrating a general training principle that once you understand you can go out and use to consider a variety of schools.
He is NOT advertising mysterious techniques. He is NOT claiming mastery in a secret ancient invincible art. He is giving advice at the level of principle. You can’t fraud people with that. What he is, in fact, doing is giving a free basic lesson. He never claims ONLY THE STRAIGHT BLAST GYM can offer “aliveness”. He explains it so that the beginner is equipped with the ability to go and look for it anywhere. A rank beginner who stumbles across some Thornton stuff is going to be better prepared to shop for schools than if he had not.
Whether you care for his presentation or not, you cannot call the man a fraud. His message is as basic as “Size Matters” or “Caveat Emptor”…Calling him a fraud is right out of bounds.
The key to not being irritated by Thornton is simply to stop allowing yourself to take it personally.