Tom Kagan is a fat balding white guy.

[QUOTE=Team Python;2522050]I have a had few people lose their jobs and could not pay the remaining balance of their contract. I could be a dick about it and say too fucking bad but I don’t. It is hard times for everybody so I don’t trip. However the people I do give breaks to put the word out that I am a reasonable person so I tend to get a lot interests into the school which helps. I believe what goes around comes around. If you help people out they may one day return the favor which has happened a few times already. Also they return once they get back on their feet so I don’t take it as a lost in the end.[/QUOTE]

Thank you.

I’d like to remind everyone that Kagan is a fat balding white guy who dyed the tip of his hair white and is a Programmer so I’m sure he’s just venting his frustration about how people try to jew him out of money when they order something from him.

[QUOTE=Sirc;2522060]Thank you.

I’d like to remind everyone that Kagan is a fat balding white guy who dyed the tip of his hair white and is a Programmer so I’m sure he’s just venting his frustration about how people try to jew him out of money when they order something from him.[/QUOTE]

Could you not have let Team python’s post stand with out having to Sirc it up?

Culled from:

[QUOTE=Sirc;2522060]Thank you.

I’d like to remind everyone that Kagan is a fat balding white guy who dyed the tip of his hair white and is a Programmer so I’m sure he’s just venting his frustration about how people try to jew him out of money when they order something from him.[/QUOTE]

LOL, so much fail for one paragraph.

I am not fat. (However, like many people especially people much older than Sirc, yes I could stand to lose some pounds. Still, Sambosteve and I weigh the same, have roughly the same build and he’s an inch shorter than me.)

I’m not balding.

I’m not white. I “pass”. (lucky me, right?)

I don’t dye my hair. (Shit, I barely want to deal with it which is why I cut it short over my wife’s objections.) I’ve had the white streak it since I was about 20 years old. (One of my sisters had it since birth.) I just so happens it’s the way I’m going grey. If I were to dye my hair, it would be to get rid of that patch - why would anyone want to look like they spilled paint on their head?

… and how exactly does one go bald but still able to dye the tip of their hair, anyway?

I’m not a programmer. I retired two years ago (@ age 44: suck it, bitch!) and am currently a house husband.

I’m hardly frustrated. (Project much, Sirc?) I do, however, enjoy pointing out someone with a sense of entitlement who didn’t earn it.

Sirc, you and I have done this dance for many years, yet you never seem to come out ahead. I’ve managed to troll you into doing something stupid enough to get you temp banned more times than I can count - so many times that, frankly, you bore me. (I’ve even managed to do it after I’ve explicitly told you what I was doing!) You are incredibly predictable. If you need to have the last word this time, be my guest.

Hahaha I was thinking of moving that post since it was in MABS.

I’d like to remind everyone that Kagan is a fat balding white guy.[/QUOTE]

Aren’t we all?

I’m fat.

Is this title going to end up as a banner ad?

People think wing chun doesn’t work but Tom retired at age 44. Coincidence? I think not.

Tom, as a 37 year old not close to retirement–I salute you!

[QUOTE=Hiro Protagonist;2522404]I’m fat.[/QUOTE]

me too and at 38 I’m no where near the point of retiring.

Damn you Tom, I’m jealous.

[QUOTE=Tom Kagan;2522311] If you need to have the last word this time, be my guest.[/QUOTE]


Must be lady boy’s time of the month.

Pushups for the Kagan.

Tom retiring at 44 = EPIC thread win.

I’m fat, balding and white. Is it better or worse that I’m 28?

I’m on a diet.


…I do have the inklings of a bald spot, though. It’s really noticeable after I shaved my head.

[QUOTE=battlefields;2522500]I’m fat, balding and white. Is it better or worse that I’m 28?[/QUOTE]

Better cause now you dont have to wait till your 60 to shout at kids to stay off your lawn.

[QUOTE=helmutlvx;2522511]I’m on a diet.[/QUOTE]
I don’t need to diet, and I’m 42. I can eat and drink whatever I want without worrying about weight gain. Also my hairline hasn’t receded even a millimeter.

Who’s winning now?

[QUOTE=helmutlvx;2522511]I’m on a diet.[/QUOTE]
I don’t need to diet, and I’m 42. I can eat and drink whatever I want without worrying about weight gain. Also my hairline hasn’t receded even a millimeter.

Who’s winning now?

Still Charlie Sheen.

I’m 6ft 5 with an athletic build but I’m fucked by a mortgage that I will have to work until 90 to pay back. I’d prefer to be a retired fat 44 year old…

So this thread turned into a “let’s compare our sexiness” circle jerk because Sirc called Tom Kagan bald?
