TKD vs. Mauy thai. (fake or real)?

I found this video on the internet. It shows a TKD guy kicking around a mauy thai guy. The only problem is the Mauy thai guy doesn’t really seem to be fighting back. It could be a staged fight.

Can someone with more experience on sniffing out worked fights give any info? I think this is K-1.

TKD vs. Mauy Thai

It’s entirely possible that it’s real.

It’s also blatantly obvious the “Thai” guy sucks ass considering he seems to have missed the day they taught lateral movement; which in my experience is usually taught on every single day of kickboxing class.

It’s not K-1. It’s some Korean show. I can’t read anything though because the feed is so poor. My gut feeling is that either it’s staged, or the MT dude had a massive brain fart and forgot how to fight. Aside from a few punches to the face, the TKD dude is fighting straight Olympic style. I don’t what the rules are of the fight, but there were several opportunities that the MT dude just blatantly passed up, and it looks like he let a lot of those kicks hit him.

Not again.

Jesus that guy was terrible. Almost as bad as me! Seriously though it was either staged or that MT guy was an absolute beginner.

As you can see , tomato cans are in every style.

I think this coudl possibly be a real fight. I’m thinking it’s probably the MT’s guys like first fight or something.

It has “ESPN” on the floor of the ring and it has a little K-1 logo spinning around in the upper left hand corner, so that gives it some credibility. Doesn’t eliminate the possiblity of a work though.

Ya, I’m thinking this is a real fight, but with a really good WTF point fighter vs. Tomato Can.

Which is the "X"TF that allows full contact to the head with kicks? Cause he kicked with meaning ; it wasn’t an accident. The MT guy is freezer pop though.

WTF allows for it, ITF sometimes.

I’m guessing it is promotional, either staged or with a horrible thai fighter. If it’s from some korean show, it’s probably promoting the TKD, saying “see?! TKD CAN beat muay thai! yay, go korea, we rock!”

There ARE horrible thai boxers out there. Two days a week of slow motion light contact sparring doesn’t make you a badass. Not even when you hiss on impact.


Damn good TKD’r, horrible MT’r.

True. The Muay Thai gyms I’ve seen in my city suck ass.

I haven’t seen a poor thai gym myself. Just poor thai boxers.

Poor instructor = poor gym

No kidding.

The kick at the end was pretty cool. It looked like he was going for a flying scissors takedown, then he switches it to a hook kick.

The kicks really were landing. Nothing fake about that. And it only shows a few short clips of the fight. The entire fight may not have been so 1 sided.

DerAuslander. Is that Japanese or Korean the narrators are speaking? Do you understand them? There is also “ESPN” in the upper right hand corner and “ESPN” on the floor of the ring. And it has the K-1 logo in the upper left corner.

It doesn’t look like a game show, but the ESPN and K-1 graphics could of been faked in a video editor. But ESPN is also on the floor of the ring and that would be difficult to fake.

Very good TKD’er vs. very bad MT guy.

Case closed.

*strange how neither of these guys threw any damn punches the whole fight though.