"“When you get a black belt, at that stage your brain just clicks into action,” the doctor said. “I restrained this gentleman in a very aggressive way without hurting him.”
That’s nice and all, but he restrained an 80 year old man with the help of a fellow passenger. Crediting or even mentioning his martial arts training is kind of silly.
But he used his MA training to subdue the old guy rather than use it to remain calm and avoid the situation altogether. I see it is as a small step in the right direction.
He’s a jackass and his wife an anorexic harpy. It’s really quite entertaining. Besides TUF the only reality TV I bother to catch is Dr.90210 occasionally and, of course, The Girls Next Door.
That guy is a complete fag. My gf watches the show sometimes and told me the guy does martial arts in order to get me to watch it with her. Anyway we tune in and what do see. The beginings of a point TKD match. Their sooooooo nervous though because the other guy is like 3x his size! Tries to pysch himself and get ready because the other guy is like a monster!
It was about time that someone acted- Im tired of these 80 year old guys pushing us around- Hopefully we can learn to stand up for ourselves like the good doctor.