TKD makes _ing __un its bitch

So on Friday before Memorial Day, Errant (Ders) had a house party. The evening went like every other house party, Tequila, Beer, Crappy Kung Fu Movies, Errant yelling at us not wake up his neighbors at 2am, etc.

However, due to some pics that HAD to be posted, this one required a thread.

Well Dagon, our resident Chunner had is one shot of tequila then passed out in the back room. Well after we were nice and drunk and realized Dagon was alseep, he became a source of humor.

Well Errant make Dagon a real [strike]man[/strike], woman that night. Errant doesn’t cuddle it seems. He poses.

Well after more shots , more yelling, some marine-style puking. One of Errant’s students took his ass out.


Well then Dagon needed to go home, so we had to wake him up, by having the smallest girl at the party, his friend, armbar him.

Well, he just said “Ouch” when when back to sleep. So I go behind him to pick him up, well his half sleep self tries to knee bar me, yelling “KNEEEEEEEEEBBBBBAAAAAAAAA”

Well chunners doing kneebar while sleeping doesn’t work out well.

At that point Dagon woke up.

Never be the first to go to sleep.

Noted Samuel Adams box in back, martial arts and anatomy books. Point his thumb up for the armbar, raise hips, don’t cross feet like that.

never fall asleep after drinking tequila. because when you do… your anus really hurts when you wake up.

That’s… adorable?

Now this is a motherfucking LLL thread.

That dude who took out his ass needs to wipe more thoroughly. I could definitely see some ass-chocolate. Excuse me while I start drinking to get that image out of my head.

I would just like to point out that despite being arm-barred by a 90 lbs. girl, attacked by Cartman, drug away from my bootleg of Spiderman 3, cornholed by a bald German, fed Rumplemintz and Triple-Sec, and then after nearly knee-barring a screaming ninja (while I was drunk and/or asleep), I was the only one to see this girl naked:


Dagon :ingun:

Cut your hair, you disgusting filthy hippie.

ninjutsu OWNED by a chunner!

I guess I should chime in with a “pics or it didn’t happen” post.

How 'bout a couple of nice pictures of her?

And I don’t mean naked.

She’s cute, but let down by crappy photography.

By the way, pics like these make me glad I’m on the other side of the planet.

no man, we need a video.

What you tryin to say about my prioties?

It is at this point I would like to re-iterate that Cassius and I request to be made LLL gods, I mean MODS.

Did you just call me Cartman?

You want naked video of Dagon…

You’re sick.:ingun:

See the episode entitled “Cartman Sucks”:

This one still seems to work.

At this point, I have to admit that I would be a terrible choice for LLL Mod. In the past couple months, I’ve ended up in a really serious relationship with the one that I thought got away, stopped drinking beyond moderation, and now spend most of my time training BJJ, running, hiking, or doing some other form of lame exercise, beyond class and training.

Not counting last week (I was on leave), I stand before you a broken, yet much happier, man.

