I never found TKD that effective whenever i saw one of its representatives fight behind the school gym and even been invited by a friend of mine who practiced it to see one of the classes in the late 90s. I’m sure the art is as good as the physical capabilities of the person using it, but i once remembered that once you catch someones mid to high kick that’s pretty much a broken leg for that guy in the streets. So unless you get good and quick with your techniques I would not consider it a very effective self defense art. not to mention i never really see TKD people keeping their hands up to cover their heads. JustMHO
Trollshido plz.
WTF? Are you talking about? Broken leg in the streets?
I think it’d be pretty effective if one stuck to the simple kicks like the groin shot. I’m sure a shot to the balls delivered by a well-trained leg would hurt like hell.
As 4 the well placed shot to the groin by a soccer player.
Well, both the player and the fighter train their leg muscles to incredible degrees so it’s to be expected.
I read somewhere that they train the korean military in this stuff (no sources though…) so isn’t it just a matter of using what works?
What i mean that in a street fight, when somebody catches your leg, he can get a pretty clear shot at your other leg’s knee joint or at the very least kick you in the groin.
All i know is that I saw people get their legs caught pretty often. I’m not going to say those guys were TKD pros, but hey the man was asking about practicality in the streets. And if there’s even a slightest chance you life is in danger doing risky mid and high kicks does not seem all that practical to me.
As a korean, and someone who has sparred countless FOB’s who served their required term in the korean army, I’d like to point out that it’s a matter of national pride and not effectiveness.
Also, as a TKD Blackbelt, FUCK TAE KWON DO.
Man, even its blackbelts say it sucks…
Broken legs are all sambo guys think about.
Sport TKD knocked out Bill Duff…nuff said.
You’ll probably be better off taking Taekwondo at your local YMCA or something. $110 a month screams bullshit to me. If you decide to go with them, then you should probably request a blowjob every once and then to compliment your “training”.
Believe it or not, there are some Taekwondo schools that will actually teach you to fight effectively (keeping your guard up, employing knees, curling the toes when round-kicking someone’s face, actually sparring often, not using so much protective padding, using distance and environment). But such schools are tough to find nowadays. Go figure.
The tkd in my area charges 40$ a month. You could take Bjj and Muay Thai/mma for 99$ unlimited at UIMA. So I think 110$ is outrageous! Now if they are willing to throw in a blowjob at the end of every class, let me know so I can re locate.
Well, it’s $110 because it’s in Cary, which is generally considered to be a snooty neighborhood for rich white yuppies. I don’t know if their TKD is good, but a brown belt judoka formerly at my school (just recently moved to Belgium) said their Judo program was extremely poor and they didn’t compete. He had done Judo pretty much everyplace in the Triangle and said aside from where we are, the only place he liked was the program at UNC.
I’ve been in blackbelt magazine.
Fuck you…
No shit… TKD actually knocked out DUFF MAN…
Hell, Benadryl combined with a couple fluid ounces of Nyquil in green-fucking-death flavor knocks out most people, but you don’t see people touting that as an effective martial art for the street.
But just for shits and giggles, the video on the BS youtube account:
YouTube - Bill Duff from Human Weapon KO’d by Taekwondo Black Belt
The problem with Aikido like anyother martial art is that in its early stages of training its ineffective! All these quitters we see today try something for a year or two and want to go be a super hero or cage fight. MMA is the Bastardization of martial arts. Nobody has the dicipline anymore to stay long enough to absorb the dicipline before the skill developes. People Its not about your opponent its about your personal skill. REAL LIFE APPLICATION, NOBODY GETS ROBBED BY NINJA ANYMORE, THEY ARE IDIOTS ON THE STREET WITH AT THE MOST ONE WEAPON THEY CAN HARDLY USE AND NO HAND TO HAND TRAINING. iF YOU TRAIN TO DEFFEND YOURSELF IN ANY ART YOU WILL BE FINE. TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN. NOTHING COMES EASY OR QUICK.
wow…you’re really a dumb asshole, arent you?