This is pointless and should be deleted...

I am a horse, I eat oats, I like molasses, on my toast.
P.S. how do delete thread??

How do ban?

Should be the question.

I accidently made two threads due to being distracted by seeing a siberian husky chewing on a chihuahua

Prolly get moved… wait for it.

At the height of the Seocnd Wolr War, a group of scientists including J. Robert Oppenheimer, Niels Bohr, Hans Bethe, Leo Szilard, Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynmanm, Ernest O Lawrence, Mark Oliphant, Seth Neddermeyer and John Von Neumann all went out into the desert of new mexico TO SIT AROUND IN A CIRCLE AND HUFF AMYL NITRATE.

I was frozen today!!!

and yet oddly no one has yet replied in the thread I actually wanted to make…Anyone ever put their own knee sideways while attempting a calf slicer/crush/crank? - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

Because no one cares…Oh sorry, I mean because everyones busy…


And now you know the rest of the story…

I love this thread

Why do you love this thread?

If I told you then I’d have to kill you.

You do not want this

Do you really love the thread, or are you just pointing at things around the forum and saying you love them?

sigh I was trying to be funny but noooooooo

anyways, I laughed at the randomness of the OP