This is bull. =/

So, I quit my MT school. I posted a while back about how much you should spar, people said a lot. I asked a guy who’s been there for 2 months, said he hasn’t seen them spar ONCE. Not only that, but everything they do is from left-lead. Bye! So now I found 2 schools in my lacation that I went to today. Drove half an hour to the first one. It’s a fucking HOUSE! Boarded up and deserted. Ok, I’ll check the next place then. Couldn’t find it, but according to the adress, it should be right in the middle of some apartment complexes. Fucking great. I guess I’ll have to join a BJJ club that I found. It has a website and I’ve talked to the main instructor, so at least I know it exists. =/ I just don’t want to dish out $100/mo for it. Especially if I don’t get to hit stuff. :frowning:



Does the other MT places have phone numbers? Try going to and mapping it out to help you find it better?

Lmfao! He must’ve used a spell checker.

Did you bother to ask the coach about sparring first?


Will rep later for meager amount of jocularity.

  1. I spelled it with an a instead of an o. HOLY SHIT!! Big deal. I don’t use spell checkers to type on forums. If I misspell it, oh well. Or… are you gonna give me an F?

  2. I didn’t ask any instructors. I would have quit even if there was sparring, because they did everything from left-lead, and it was only one hour long classes. I was there for a month myself, and I only saw them spar once. When I was watching a class, the instructor asked me why I wanted to continue MA after quitting TKD. My reply was that I love sparring. He said they do things differently here. I assumed it meant “no point-slapping only hardcore”. I guess he just meant “no”.

I used mapquest and a paper map. I’d understand if I were lost in some strip mall or somethink like I’ve been before, but the first address was right in the middle of a bunch of houses. No way there could be a MA school hiding there. 2nd one was in between apartment complexes. Might be a building somewhere, but I doubt it.


Chillax, Shit-Bits. Lactation is funny. :slight_smile:

I’m still pissed for driving for an hour and a half and not finding shit.

Male lactation is gross. :frowning:


Just because there aren’t any teachers around doesn’t mean you can’t formally fail. You just get an F in life.

Also, poor spellers will find copies of Merriam-Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary under their trees in place of the Vanderlei Silva action figures that they really wanted.

Nuts to that. I’m buying a DDR set for Christmas. DDR kicks ass. :smiley:

I already have an F in life. :frowning:


Maybe that could be your problem? :slight_smile:
Yeah your school was the weird. 1hr classes, if I’m remembering the right webpage you posted?


It wasn’t even one hour, since we had 5 min warm-ups, and 5-mins of shadow boxing after that.

I mean, technique-wise it was good. The instructors knew what they were talking about, and asking questions was fine. But I’m ambidextrious, and I don’t like doing everything from left-lead.


My school doesn’t really have long classes, and sparring isn’t really too frequent (just a few dedicated guys after class getting together. Not nearly long enough). I still appreciate the technique, and find myself drilling on my own in my free time and just attending the class to get my form corrected. And I think it’s more of your own responsibility to choose which lead to fight from…

Have you checked Maybe if you wanna still be a strong striker.

If not…see ya at the WA throwdown.

That sucks. Lots of decent teachers teach out of their garage/home. It’s not really a bad thing…just be weary.

I doubt he has the bags, pads, mitts, and a mad to spar on. Teaching out of your garage is fine for things like Judo or BJJ, where all you really need is a mat, but you can’t learn much without the gear in MT.

Actually, all the places I’ve found I got from I think it’s a bit outdated or incorrect.

I think I’ll just end up coughing up $100/mo for BJJ. The guy says that you can start learning NHB fighting after you get your blue belt it you want, so it won’t be that bad.


BJJ is cool, but you never know. Soem guys can afford the pads, etc. They just can’t afford the $3400 a month rent plus utilities for their own place.

Yeah, but I doubt there’s enough room in someone’s garage to do something like that. Either way, I checked both out, and one place is a deserted house, and the other seems to be in some apartment complexes.


my spelling kicks ass; please make my silva the life-size model. (two-input.)

Why woldn’t they do everythig from left lead exactly?